Wednesday, February 5, 2020



The Lord is brooding over His word and his people right now
The Lord has placed those under His Feathers that He is strengthening and restoring strength to, peace, order, healing, goodness, and mercy.

He is repairing stitching up and healing the wounds of His people so the enemy cannot freely pour irritants in them anymore to keep them stuck in circumstances they need to move on from.

Taking His people out from provision in the desert, out from wandering in the same cycles, veering them off from the track the enemy has attempted to keep them on, and bringing them through the gates of the promise.

Entering a season of promise, however with promise there is birth, a birthing, pressure as the threshold is broken and you enter while the enemy is then ordered of the Lord to stand down and retreat.


The Lord thy God Jehovah is Establishing matters and sealing them with the blood of Jesus so it cannot be tampered with or overturned by the enemy.

There is someone who watches with a blood disorder, not common, The Lord is going down to the cellular level and reversing the loss and the spiritual presence that has been piggy backing throughout the family line you will see a reversal! Numbers on blood work will supernaturally change.

There are Saul’s, the hand of Almighty God has turned against them for daring to touch, tamper with, and drain His anointed, His children what the Lord Himself has given.

The Saul’s are becoming obsolete, a non-factor, they have gone to the witch of endor for answers, strategy, and instruction. I the Lord do not compete with such foolishness and willful rebellion.


Entering a time of supernatural occurrences for the people of God!


There will be supernatural, undeniable, unexplainable manifestations that will swing the pendulum back into the favor of my people. The enemy has lost some ground.
The enemy lines that were put in place to stop destiny and the Will of the Father have crumbled and because of continual resisting the enemy is fleeing in certain areas.

Strongholds that have been slowing up progress for years are coming down crumbling, losing their power.

That stronghold does not have the power to stop you as in seasons past. Rubble, it is being reduced to rubble.

And you as the people of God will march through. Where they place their feet there will be a change a supernatural change as you allow the Lord to order your footsteps and in faith allow him to change the order, change the plan, change your job/position.

As things snap into alignment, you will see the blessings flow down from the Father.

The Lord thy God says, “Get into alignment!”

I the Lord God Jehovah am set to IGNITE what does not belong will be burned out for it will not be able to stand in the Holy Fire with you says the Lord.

Scripture References-Genesis 13:

The Cup bearer and the Baker, Abraham and LOT:

A significant sign in the heavenlies this year will have those going to occur my word to search out the correlation says the Lord of Hosts.

The catholic Church, a very serious event with this current pope is set to occur this year, will send the Vatican into turmoil says the Lord of Hosts (attempted murder?)

In Jesus name, Yeshua!


Word from the Lord:

 I am God, I am the Lord your God Jehovah I change not however I the Lord thy God do new things in the lives of my people. My mercies are new every morning says the Lord.

I the Lord am calling My people, My Children, Israel, I am calling them to RISE UP, RISE UP My Children take up your full armor as spoken of in Ephesians and put it on wholly and completely says the Lord for the armor fortifies, it protects weaker areas, it enables you to stand against the scheming of that serpent of old the devil.

Rise Up Take up the Sword of the Spirit, which is MY Word, and use and activate the Sword I have given you My Children. The enemy does NOT want you to understand how to use the Sword of the Spirit which is My Word. The Sword pierces the plans of darkness, the Sword penetrates and divides and weakens the plans of the enemy, the Sword activates in the Sprit to bring to pass the plans and purposes of Almighty God in the Lives of His Children, His chosen.

This is sharper than any two-edged sword penetrating to the dividing line of soul and spirit, of joint and marrow.

I the Lord thy God am penetrating to the joint to the marrow, what is out of joint, what has been knocked out of joint in order to slow down the plans being activated in the lives of My people. I the Lord am realigning what has been knocked out of joint and snapping it back into Alignment and ORDER for I am a God of Order that changes not My Children.

Divine Order is key for it unlocks a series of events in the spirit and in the natural that ushers you into the plans and purposes and the DESTINY.  I the Lord your God have spoken over your lives.

There is an endowment an endowment of blessings and an endowment of power to operate even more in the gifts of the spirit and in the 5-fold ministry says the Lord God Jehovah receive it in Jesus name.

This is the year of the cup bearer and the baker spoken of in the book of Joseph, one was raised up, the cup bearer, because he was A DOOR to the plans I the Lord thy God had to raise Joseph up to lead Egypt in famine in order to save my people Israel. The cup bearer was a door and  I the Lord knew that in due season when I activated the dream that troubled Pharaoh so, that the cup bearer as I caused him to remember Joseph would open his mouth in boldness in favor of this young Hebrew man, in a very pagan Egyptian court, and I the Lord honored that by causing Pharaoh to have a listening ear to what His servant had to say.
The cup bearer was restored for such a time as this however the baker was selfish, was concerned only for him and would have forgotten about Joseph had he been restored and would have been too afraid to speak up to Pharaoh concerning a Hebrew Prisoner.

It was less about imprisonment with Joseph and more about POSITION, for Potiphar’s wife out of pride and jealousy ended up positioning Joseph to rule over Potiphar and herself, what was meant to hurt Joseph I the Lord utilized to restore him!!

This year you shall see two distinct groups the Cup bearers and the bakers, the Abrahams and the Lots, shall go in opposite directions as I raise those up and plant their feet and lives in the positions.  I the Lord have ordained for their lives, where they can take root and grow for My glory you shall see them arise while simultaneously you will see the bakers and the lots fall says the Lord God Jehovah. As a pillar of Salt, remember this says the Lord it shall be relevant.

There will be those who publicly lose favor with Me and the fall will be witnessed by many!

I the Lord am removing those this year from the platforms and the positions as heads over my people for exploiting and extorting from the people and the positions I the Lord gave them in TRUST that they then used to siphon from and drain while doing all sorts of indiscretions in the dark.

I the Lord am removing those who have taken advantage and utilized platforms to manipulate the people and plug up their souls and spirits more than they ever did to sharpen these spiritual gifts and open up the flow for when I the Lord God Jehovah, Yahweh place one in a position of influence in a position to LEAD I expect them to be utilized as a tool to cause My people to become more on fire for me, to desire a deeper relationship with their Father Lord and Creator, to surrender their lives in the name of My precious son Jesus in order to be used for My Glory.

HOWEVER, there are those who have done the opposite and sent my people off on tangents, veering off the narrow path onto the broad path mixing darkness and light, causing a concoction off different beliefs from different systems to be placed into one spiritual tonic and luring MY people into drinking of it says the Lord. They have caused the temperature spiritually to go from hot to luke warm, in some cases cold, to complacency to blending more and more into the world than becoming a beacon of light in the midst of a dark, confused and dying world says the Lord of Hosts this day!

You will witness forceful removal’s and overthrows, IN ORDER as I tear the Kingdom away from Saul and gave it to My Servant David because He was found worthy and to have a heart for the Lord, a man after My own heart says the Lord, so I am tearing the “kingdom” away from those who have abused their positions and become disobedient and defiant thinking they are above reproach, and giving it to those who I the Lord have found worthy, who I have tried, tested ,refined and raised up as uniquely grafted operational spiritual powerhouses, to be used as a powerful tool and weapon for MY glory says the Lord.

Those who have endured very trying battles and circumstances who have persevered even when the fire was turned up, who have been obedient and those I call faithful will be elevated this year, lifted and will rise up. For some I am moving them into even greater anointing, platforms, responsibility because they have proven faithful in what I have given thus far and have allowed Me Their Father to utilize them in a powerful way to IGNITE once again the fire, passion, and desire in My people for Me the Lord their God, For My Word and those who desire to see My plans fulfilled in their lives shall see areas unlock and be lifted up into the forefront of their lives that had remained locked for a long time.

I am unlocking the prison doors, as I did for Joseph,  says the Lord you are to walk over the threshold trusting that I your Father and creator know what you can handle, know your strengths and know how you can be utilized at your peak potential for My Glory, remember My Children to whom much is given much is required!!

Right now, seek Me and seek My face and I will give you clear instruction says the Lord. Remember there will be a divine order to this, I am not a God of disorder. However, my order may prove different than the order man may put a series of events in says the Lord of Hosts.

Do not get involved or jump into Spiritual battles I the Lord have not called you into My children for many of you are opening the door and unlocking them to unnecessary spiritual warfare because you are getting involved in battles you were not called to fight, or called into to be a part of says the Lord.

David always sought Me first before he went to battle whether he should PURSUE, KEYWORD, the enemy or WAIT because the timing was not right or because I the Lord was going to deliver to David another plan. There are those racing blindly into battles without seeking Me first thinking they are called to fight another’s battle or thinking they have the same covering and anointing as another in that territory and recklessly race in, an open target for the enemy.
The enemy roams around like a lion seeking whom he may devour.  Predators go after the weakest and the most vulnerable My children, remember that, do not race in with vulnerability and no covering or support for you are only stepping into areas where you will become quickly outnumbered for acting before seeking says the Lord.

Seek Me now for there are circumstances where I will tell you to stand down and pray from a distance and watch the power of Almighty God deal with the powers that be for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual wickedness in high places therefore put on the WHOLE ARMOR of God that you may be able to STAND AGAINST the whiles and scheming of the devil. DO NOT race into battle without your armor and without knowing the plan I have; you must have these things in order first for it is strategy. Brilliant, covert strategy that wins battles, is victorious in war and triumphs over the opposition says the Lord God Jehovah

Abraham and lot had very different calls, anointing, and favor from Me Almighty God. It will be clear this year who has the favor and anointing like Abraham and who has that like lot says the Lord of Hosts. For Lot lacked discernment and put down roots in an area marked for destruction, putting his roots into rancid filthy sinful water and out of My love for Abraham and My Favor toward Him, as I attempted to rescue Lot and his family.

You will see two distinct camps and pictures this year happening and being carried out simultaneously. Yes there will be removal and a repositioning of the heads, the leaders the chosen who I the Lord have searched their hearts I have tested them, I have refined them and what has been torn away from the Saul’s shall be given unto My Children whom I have found worthy this year. The cup bearers shall stay who are keys to positioning My children to activate My Plans and purposes, and the bakers shall be removed. Watch and see this will begin now you will see evidence of this now My Children. Walk out your Faith in obedience and submission and watch me blossom and bloom in your lives like never seen before, for the fields are ripe and there are many more souls to be won for the Kingdom.   Walk in the confidence of knowing I see all things and I have the circumstances in My hands and will do what is best for My children and their call and appointed times and positions. It’s going to be an early blooming an early spring for many of My Children as I activate the growth necessary to bring it forth and do a sign and a wonder in the lives of My people that even those in the world cannot deny for every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! God Bless You My children in the name of Yeshua! Watch Israel closely this year they truly are a compass in that region!

A very serious incident with Kim Jong-un is going to be the beginning of his complete removal!

NOTE: Watch for Uprisings in Europe
NOTE: Watch Belgium

In Jesus Name!

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