Sunday, March 15, 2020


National Day of Prayer-March 15, 2020
Ark of Grace Ministries

James 5:16
Confess to one another therefore your faults (your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins) and pray [also] for one another, that you may be healed and restored [to a spiritual tone of mind and heart]. The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].

Effective prayer:

The second you pray the enemy attempts to launch an offensive to block immediately!

1.   Repent, GET SPECIFIC, and then as an act of your will loose it from your soul

2.   Acknowledge before the Father that he sent His ONE AND ONLY son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross, to take our place to spare us from an eternity without the Lord and praise Him for that!

3.   In the name of Jesus Christ Father God I ask you loose and release holy warring angels, the Hosts of heaven, and holy angels of ALL rankings and divisions to scramble, confuse, block, disrupt, dismantle, and destroy the plots, plans, assignments, schemes, contracts, counter offenses, communications of the enemy!

4.   In the name of Jesus Lord i ask by your power be bound away from me, gagged, muzzled, deafened, shackled, blinded and muted EVERY lying spirit, familiar spirit, spirit attempting to impersonate the MOST High God or Holy Spirit, Every monitoring spirit, hindering spirits, unclean spirits, and the like. I APPLY the blood of Jesus Christ as a covering to act as a barrier so they cannot see me, hear me, or launch any strike against me. And to act as a FILTER so only the words of the Most High God and Holy Spirit come through.

NOW Begin to pray for whatever you feel led to pray for, for what you are going through
The way has been cleared not only for the prayer to reach the Lord BUT for the answer to be expedited and dispatched! Glory to God!!


  1. Thank you so much for this information. All glory to God for the teachers he brings into His peoples lifes. Amanda I am greatful for your brodcast.
    Cheryl T

  2. Amanda, Thank You So Very Much!!! Keep Up the Marvelous Work!!! So love hearing and receiving your broadcasts.
    Love, Jeannie M.

  3. Thank you for reminding me how to properly pray. Have not done this in awhile. Not certain why I had stopped. Thank you again!!

  4. Thank you so very much for leading us in prayer for this very important National Day of Prayer. God bless you!

  5. I felt the electricity of the Holy Spirit when I followed these steps, wow! thank you :)

  6. Thank you Amanda. God bless you. I have a special needs son whom i trully love. Life can be challenging.. this will help me to pray deeply

  7. Thank you Amanda and Chris for your faithfulness to our Lord and Savior first and foremost and second to his Body. Ed and I are so blessed and strengthened as we watch your teachings and prophetic utterances are spot on every time. These prayer points we will use everyday. Been praying so much for my adult kids to walk in their daughter Kerianne was involved in witchcraft and rededicated her life 3 yrs. Ago. But slipped she's expecting a child in and out of crazy relationship that pulls her deeply into chaos and anxiety over n over ...I am at a loss in my prayers until now. So thank you SO MUCH. GOD BE PRAISED,🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  8. Amanda, thank you for your dedication to the Lord. It is so wonderful to listen to you. For encouragement, I have been beginning my prayers as you specified and yesterday I heard in the spirit "Battering Ram". The definition is this: a heavy beam, originally with an end in the form of a carved ram's head, formerly used in BREACHING FORTIFICATIONS. A heavy object swung or rammed against a door to BREAK IT DOWN." Amazing. Also, back in June the Lord gave me a word "Standoff" and told me to read the book of Ezra. What He showed me was that as Ezra called his people to separate from their pagan wives and children purify themselves to return to the Lord, so we are being called to repent and purify ourselves for the work ahead. There will come a point where there will be a standoff between the worlds prophets of Baal and the body of Christ and just like Elijah stood against the prophets of Baal in boldness and great courage and the Lord revealed Himself, we will be called to take a bold stand just as is being discussed at this very time so that the World will know that the Lord alone is God. For such a time as this....Over a year ago the Lord woke me up to read Esther and impressed upon me the fact that the Haman's of the world will be falling into their own traps and that through a new decree issued, God's people would be protected. I have been hearing that from others as well as you. How sweet and comforting it is to have such unity in the Spirit of believers. You have a family out here who loves you and Chris and all of your precious animals. What a privilege to partner with you at this pivotal time in history. Many blessings. Ella

  9. God bless you and Chris. Thank you for being obedient to the Father and bringing to us these words of revelation knowledge.

  10. I just came across your Ministry and love the way you pray . I could feel the spirit moving and listened to your last prophecy and it was so empowering. I thank you for your gift and I bless you and your Ministry in the matchless name of Jesus Christ and definitely will be tuning in for more. God Bless🙏💕

  11. Thank you sister and Prophetess of the one and only God we love and serve. Your gift has blessed me and so many other children of God and I especially can relate to your heart that is after animals. They are a part of God and He made them to live here with us in harmony on this earth. I pray that God continues to use you and heal your family for the His purposes and all the Glory goes to Him because He is the only One worthy of Praise!!

  12. Grace I just want to say that I love your channel I watch it all the time and I really enjoy the Bible study readings I wish you could do more of those but I watch her channel all the time and I thank God that he has given us you so you could tell us what he's saying and what he expects of us this is awesome and I'm on disability when I can find some money cuz I only get $800 a month but when I save some up I'm going to send it to you or your form for your animals cuz I just love animals too that I think what you're doing is awesome

  13. AMANDA .. This is Janey O'neal , you recently prophesied abot china...could you tell me whic two prophesy about china , because china went dark at 3:00 pm in the middle of the day... the skies turn pitch black and i remember that you said something about child and something supernatural happening and it sure did.

  14. Thank you so much Amanda for obeying the call from GOD on your life. I am thankful he has led me to you. He is equipping HIS Army and children with strategies of warfare through your ministry, and I am forever grateful. May Our Heavenly Father bless you , your family and ministry.

  15. Thank you, thank you!! This prayer you shared does work! My mind becomes clearer and I feel confident!
    Love, Patti T.

  16. Hi Amanda, Happy Birthday! To ensure a continuation of Holiness, would you please pray to see if there is deception in your camp? The Saturday, 8/15, word brought concern, not with what you said and who you are, but with the unGodly ads popping up during the message and the new association with Amazon (research the founder). Also, there was someone on your call using the name “Rita Wilson”. I don’t believe it is the real Rita Wilson. Keep praying all the protection you do and I bless you with a double portion of Holy Wisdom. It has grieved me to see how many wonderful Godly leaders get manipulated into the NAR. Lord, I pray a Godly protection over Amanda and her team that she stay a holy remnant for the LORD. Also, I do believe those called by God should not struggle financially so I do understand the need. God, what are your thoughts?

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Thank you, I really needed this prayer at this very moment. My heart has been up lifted and I'm believing God has answered my prayer petition. Thank you!!!!

  19. Thank you so much for this information. They could not come to me at a better time. The nations are in trouble and we need all the spiritual weapons we can use against all evil. Thank you again and may the Father Bless you always.

  20. Listened to video today. I am new to prophets of God. Being Catholic all my life never learned this way to speak to God. Happy & grateful I found Amanda Grace. Thank you

  21. Missouri also gave us sharpies to vote and even gave us the markers as a"gift" for voting.

  22. Amanda I've only recently discovered you through my sister. And I think you are absolutely amazing it's amazing to see how God works through you. Because of you and Rachel and Kelly Marie and dr. Graves all of those the Mac files I rededicated my life to the Lord which I really needed to do and this time I've kind of been some trials right now myself. I asked if you would pray for my daughter and my son my daughter is specially as she is a extremely troubled and holding onto a lot of anger and hostility that is blinding her from the Lord's light. I would appreciate it if you would help need to pray for her so that the Lord opens her eyes and lift the weight of anger and hostility off of her so that her life can be better. She knows you and she likes you as well I just can't seem to clear the clouds from her eyes please help us. May God bless you and yours and you are doing wonderful Works in his name

  23. By the way my name is Angie and my daughter's name is Joy Angel and my son's name is Hunter Lee I'd appreciate any prayers you can give our way. And God bless you and multiply you because of your glorious works and name of the Lord praise God

  24. Amanda, Thank you so much for sharing this Word from the Lord. I especially love this teaching on prayer. As a Christian I always talked to God but after reading about spiritual warfare and the armor of God in Ephesians I've been seeking the Lord about this deeper kind of prayer. I've read many different things but this teaching is key to EFFECTIVE prayer. Today I have experienced God working through the Body of Christ to equip and edify His people by reading your blog. I feel so blessed and ask God to bless you and Chris in all ways, now and always.

  25. Abba Father, thank you for blessing us with such revelation and insight through your precious daughter Amanda Grace! Let the precious blood of Yeshua cover her, her precious husband and their animals. Grant them complete restoration of their health as though they were in heaven walking on earth in Yeshua's holy name! Amen! Adoni Ahuvi by your stripes were healed! Hallelujah! Praise the God of my forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!!!EL ELYON! EL SHADDAI! NONE COMPARE TO YOU!!

  26. Thanks for the Prayer. God Bless you all.


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