Thursday, January 12, 2023

Word from the Lord--January 11, 2023

All Honor Glory and Praise be to the Lord of Hosts, who sits on the Highest throne, Creator of ALL things, who spoke and it was, the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, and to His Kingdom, there is no end…

And the Spirit of the Lord says this day, gird up your loins MY children, armor yourselves, keep your lamps filled with oil be ready, be sober and vigilant for the enemy roams about like a lion seeking whom he may devour.

The ruler that devours has released in the spirit that which eats away, rots, decays, the locust, the cankerworm, the palmerworm has been released in an attempt to devour resources and attempt to steal what is not theirs to take. What I give unto MY children is MY good pleasure and it is NOT theirs to take. However, says the Lord illegal maneuvers are being attempted on multiple fronts in an attempt to get you my children on worry, and fear of not enough. Behold I have given unto you the authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions and against all the power of the enemy so nothing shall by any means hurt you! Take up your shield and buckler and with boldness speak the word, use the sword of the spirit and defend what I the Lord have given unto you.

For it is not open court to be discussed amongst the busybodies what I should have given and whether I the Lord should have given it, it is NOT up for discussion says the Lord. Had the busybodies focused more on their decaying spiritual condition and maturing and allowing the wheat to fully bud they would not be and their lives would not be in such a condition says the Lord. I the Lord hold open court, they do not! And I the Lord am dealing with those who constantly want to throw stones, accuse, pick apart, and sit on a “righteous” seat they themselves have erected in the wrong order and the legs are shaky and about to fall off says the Lord. There are those who are accusing and arrogantly and condescendingly spewing forth toxic words who are doing all of this on sand! And there is a wave of correction that is set to come down upon the sand and the sand castles they have built for NO one should set themselves up as a king of any kind for I the Lord your God am the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and I rule from the highest throne, the earth is MY footstool.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the ports; the ports, says the Lord pray in this hour for the ports will be under attack! The ports in South America will be under attack, the unexpected how they are in some cases completely closed down, and there are those when this occurs with the mantle upon them shall open more ports and reroute what is needed to get to the people!

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the canals, watch the canals, blockages and in one case a collapsing and a buckling for the waterways shall have uncanny events occur says the Lord of Hosts.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, exoduses in many ways shall occur over the next couple of years, including exoduses from areas of government, including across Europe, more shall leave the Vatican this year than years past, the Department of Defense and the judiciary branch shall see their largest exoduses of those leaving from being caught in their deeds and as well refusing to take part in the delicate dainties of deceit that have gone forth.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day the hour of the Zerubbabel’s says the Lord, their hour has come, for one shall be taken from the north and one from the south and placed in higher positions of leadership, they shall be compelled out by Me, the Lord your God to do so, for I am molding them says the Lord, 1 man, and 1 woman are being molded and their faith deepened and their ethics sharpened as they go forth, they shall emerge and the picture shall become clearer towards the middle part of the year says the Lord.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the MTA, the railroad system watch for scandal that has percolated under the surface to completely erupt, for this is the time of the vinegar for the corrupt, the sour wine says the Lord, vinegar cleanses and its taste is bitter and so you shall see the time of the vinegar and not of the honey within the transportation systems it shall reach through all 3 branches of your government, for one more so than the other two is HIGHLY DISEASED and on the verge of total collapse, you shall hear this term associated with this branch “on the verge of collapse” says the Lord this day.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, there is an unexpected turn coming as the time approaches for the horses to ready themselves for the big race, there is an unexpected turn coming and there are those that shall enter the arena for the highest political race. There is a part, a faction of what you call the republican party that has made a deal with the most radical on the other side to attempt to Trump Trump, they are getting the pieces and players into position at any moment, as this is a multifaction, multi-arena, multi-faceted plan, an illusion of sorts as who THEY attempt to put forward is bound in their chains before they ever announce a run says the Lord of Hosts, watch for this and watch for one to go rogue and come into agreement with their plan that shall take the public by surprise.

There are multiple Judas’ around Him that he does not see nor has perceived however, I the Lord shall and will expose them as this will be His valley of decision as this occurs for it will not be who people expect and just as they attempt such on his middle son, I the Lord thy God shall cut it to the quick, I shall nip that bud for MY CALL is upon him says the Lord MY CALL is upon a younger son who carries that name and I the Lord am calling to him I am calling to Him and he shall HEAR MY VOICE THIS YEAR says the Lord of Hosts, as he sees through a new set of lenses that I the Lord have placed upon him.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the flesh and cauldron of advisers who are blind as the Pharisees, who are as greedy, their inward parts shall be exposed, on multiple fronts shall advisers and board members, and council be exposed, you shall even hear the term embezzle come to the forefront, the most corrupt of entities are financially being weakened from within as they have sown much tares and rebellion now inwardly they are reaping such and the largest embezzlement scandal is about to occur and shall be a warning to entities that desire to manipulate the public with money and power for the deceivers are being deceived says the Lord! The deceivers are being deceived!!

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, a discovery off the COAST of Israel is set to occur, an incredible astounding discovery that will align with a key area of the Bible shall come forth however they will be amazed that it was off the coast says the Lord.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, RESIST the enemy and he will flee from you, resist my children resist rebuke the devourer for what they are attempting to do in your nation, a dog returns unto its own vomit says the Lord and they have returned again and again and the stomach and innards have soured says the Lord, Herod was struck and died from within from worms, all he had devoured he himself was so devoured, for he defied the Living God, he set himself up as a god, and he fell for it. They have returned unto their own vomit again and again and now I the Lord thy God shall make them, consume all the product of their innards all that was rejected they shall consume as the most inwards parts collapse, there is a collapse coming from the foundation that the hill sits upon says the Lord.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, pray for Jim Jordan for they are seeking an occasion, they are preying, they are HUNTING because the HUNTER is being examined, they are seeking an occasion says the Lord. He MUST come under my wings HE must and stay there says the Lord for the “accident” will be stopped short of its mark.

And says The Spirit of the Lord this day, Tulips spring early, they are one of the first to come up as a sign and announcement of Spring, look for an early bloom and an event that was not expected to bud until late summer, bud in early spring says the Lord there shall be a tie to the judiciary says the Lord.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, I the Lord am going to visit the head of Tesla as I so visited Abimelech, as I so visited those who needed to back out of areas, the 4th man in the fire was the son of God, and I shall and will visit him to severe an enormous chain that has kept him from seeking Me and examining the way has so been done for other ventures, I AM visiting him and it will become clear what has occurred by a public severing says the Lord of Hosts, for he is at war within himself! And become a liability to the world he was so entrenched in, it is his choice and he must choose, the time is fast approaching for his valley of decision.

And says the Spirit of the Lord, this day Cases of the century shall be solved, the tiniest piece of evidence shall emerge and closure shall be brought, they did not get away with it says the Lord they did not, and what was hidden under a stack shall suddenly emerge as new evidence that is the missing link, watch and see says the Lord of Hosts.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, I am pouring the oil of healing out and a rod of rectification has gone forth, receive that healing says the Lord for that oil shall be poured upon you by ministering angels, and I the Lord am rectifying in this hour what they enemy attempted to steal, to mangle, to dismantle and I the Lord am multiplying it instead, you shall and will learn to RUN with a heavier load for MY burden is light says the Lord and you shall bear the weight well and run the race well, for I the Lord thy God am a rewarder of those who DILIGENTLY SEEK ME!!

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the Koreas are in for an unexpected change as the cankerworm and palmerworm have done their job from within, that grace period has thinned says the Lord, the people are crying out, the people want peace across the border, the people are restless, the people have been stripped of joy, peace, stability and that which was sown shall now emerge as a giant PIERCING thorn to those who did so, they cannot continue their puppet theater says the Lord for change is upon them for I the Lord have decreed it and it has gone forth into the earth. The main artery to their power shall be severed says the Lord.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the enemy has attempted to place a weight of weariness upon you as a blanket the enemy has attempted to do so and I the Lord thy God am tearing it and lifting it for it has tired you and I the Lord am pouring the oil out of gladness and refreshing, you shall be strengthened to endure the next leg of the race for it will be intense however, the fruit that comes forth for the Kingdom shall double and it shall not be decayed says the Lord. For I am the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords I WILL HAVE MY WAY NO MATTER WHAT MAN SAYS I THE LORD AM THE JUDGE AND I WILL DO SO IN THIS HOUR AND I WILL BEGIN TO SET RIGHT WHAT HAS DISLOCATED SAYS THE LORD, A COMPLETE DISLOCATION HAS OCCURRED AND THERE NEEDS TO BE A RECONNECTION, YOU SHALL SEE THIS OCCUR. Praise Me Bless MY NAME FOR THOSE WHO CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED. Thus says the Lord of Hosts in the name of Jesus Christ, who sits at MY right hand and who is your Savior.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Word from the Lord--January 2, 2023

Praise be to God in the Highest and on earth peace and goodwill towards men, Holy Holy is the Lord God almighty who was and is and is to Come, Who rules from a throne of Righteousness, who has extended His hand of grace and to His Kingdom there is no end…

And the Spirit of the Lord says this day, labor pangs have indeed begun MY children they have begun to make themselves known not only in areas of your nation but in your lives.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, what was conceived in the years past, what was planted and tilled last year shall indeed put forth a crop this year says the Lord, what you have sown you will most definitely reap the harvest in accordance to your deed and actions and obedience to the Lord.

For if you have sown deception and greed you will most certainly reap such being returned unto you says the Lord, if you have sown manipulating and driving out and bringing forth to further your interests your interest shall sink in 2023, for there shall be no harvest upon dry parched land and you shall wander those wilderness areas until you so choose to stop your childish games and ways and GROW UP in ME says the Lord.

For those who have tilled and planted and been faithful servants, who have not gone rogue, who have not attempted to piggyback or take someone else's harvest, the blessings meant for them you have slipped in and attempted to steal, your seeds shall be taken from you says the Lord, your operation shall buckle in the HEART of its conception says the Lord.

For the faithful servants who have tilled, who have allowed me to go before them and open doors, who have not attempted to push and bang down what is not theirs to enter, what the faithful have tilled in the year just past you shall see incredible growth in this coming year, growth and fruit you never expected shall come forth. I am the vine you are the branches says the Lord and the branches shall be able to bear much weight and shall be fortified to do so says the Lord.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, your economies are not a determinant of whether I bless MY children says the Lord, I am far above the world economic system, I am far above the economic system of the United States, I am far above their trades, and their merchants, and corporate bodies, and markets, I the Lord am not submitted to THEIR system. Therefore MY children, their system does not determine whether I bless you for MY ways are higher than your ways and MY thoughts are higher than your thoughts.

You shall see that in the coming year, for I AM FAITHFUL and I will demonstrate that I will bless I will provide I will open doors that were locked for years, in the midst of an economic mess MY children shall be provided for in unusual ways, through avenues they never thought would provide. Do not look at what man has built, look at what I the Lord can build in your lives.

There are those who have gone the way of Cain, the way of Sodom, the way of the wilderness, the way of the west (Abraham and Lot), delusions of grandeur indeed and that delusion shall indeed bubble over in the coming year for there are those who are not grounded enough and have been swayed to do such things for growth and notoriety and I the Lord shall push back and put them in their place, for when you leave the path I have set before you for the wilderness and thorns and briars and weeds, many are entering a VERY WEEDED area, FILLED WITH WEEDS, and not enough WHEAT.  

For what is in a name says the LORD, what does it benefit a man to gain the whole world yet lose HIS SOUL? What does it benefit him? THE NAME has become more valuable to them than MY NAME says the Lord, MY NAME ABOVE ALL SHOULD BE AT THE HEAD, yet their names have swelled and filled with nothing more than hot air that is about to enter a decompression.

You shall see 2 kinds of blooming, a field of wheat a field of tares, and those who have mixed the tares with the wheat, well their tares shall poison the wheat, the wheat supply shall be poisoned says the Lord.

For a toxic tonic many have drunk of more than once and they have in their brokenness been given positions to lead, when they are BROKEN INSIDE A TICKING TIME BOMB SAYS THE LORD, they are broken, they are not set free and that monster shall rear itself up yet again and make itself known.

Yes, I the Lord am speaking to the church, the pulpit is broken says the Lord, it is broken, it is compromised, it is complicit in sin and offerings to the false gods who have sold the church a very broken monologue that has affected their dialogue to now call the things I the Lord call unholy, they now call right and righteous and I the Lord say ENOUGH!! For you do not serve a building you serve ME and they have made the building the most important piece however DEAD SOULS sit in the pews, none being given life but something easy on the ears and they steer away from strife and the boldness that so walked with Elijah, and MOSES and Daniel, and Deborah, and Esther, and David, and Nathan, BOLDNESS  the shepherd now petrified of the sheep, the shepherd now pandering to the sheep, leading them to a waiting pack of wolves.

This year the church shall be shaken IT SHALL for I the Lord thy God have decreed it and it has gone forth on a scroll, the sifting and shaking of the church for its walls are void and empty of the Holy Spirit, the enemy himself has sat in their pews and listened and LAUGHED because there is NO power, For behold I have given unto you the POWER, unto YOU and yet you so easily have given it away, this is the year of decision, the valley of decision for your nation and for your lives.

And the Spirit of the Lord says this day, DO NOT puff up leaders on the brink of catastrophe, for they are skimming the edge of the cliff on the brink says the Lord. I the Lord DO NOT give a free pass to behave as you wish and be given such power, the enemy so does and there is a severe price to pay for such however I the Lord do no such thing. You will have to carry MY mantle and BE BOLD ENOUGH TO STAND YOUR GROUND WITH MY WORD AND WHAT I THE LORD DEEM A UNION WHAT I THE LORD DEEM RIGHTEOUS WHAT I THE LORD DEEM HOLY, the ego will not hold and will deflate fast you cannot ride on a name says the Lord you cannot, for it is sputtering says the Lord it is sputtering, supporting what I the Lord call detestable is a mark and a stain on you O leaders. Behold I have set before you death and life blessing and cursing, YOU must choose which path to embark down for this is the fork in the road says the Lord, choose wisely for your future and positions depend on it.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, a scandal that shall run down the east coast shall make itself known into this year, it shall run down the east coast, CHECK points says the Lord, the heart of the nation shall be shaken and rocked by an event that shall send waves through the center of your nation.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the Dakotas says the Lord dueling Dakotas and a resource shall come forth as well as a leader shall arise with the mantle of wisdom that comes from ME the Lord.

Scandal is coming with the Iowa caucus it shall tie to DC committees says the Lord.

Silicon Valley is about to get rocked, literally, by the biggest scandal that has ever come forth others will pale in comparison says the Lord as judgment has been issued against the gods of the valleys says the Lord, tech shall sputter. GPS may show you where to go and where to turn however it cannot see what I the Lord can, with what is on the horizon in your lives, allow me the Lord to be your light, to give you instruction, to show you where to turn, and when to go and when to stop for in MY will you shall reach the destination set before you, however trusting in man shall leave you in a maze and you shall see the dry places, the wilderness the weeds, there are those leading who are covered in weeds, their souls filled, they will not be suppressed any longer I the Lord am calling them forth a spotlight on the weeds shall indeed show.

And the spirit of the Lord says this day, rabbits are prey animals, seen much in spring look for that time for China to so be prey as they have preyed on others they shall find themselves prey of a different kind says the Lord.

Ireland in this hour shall come to the forefront.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, what I the Lord have laid the groundwork for, what I have laid not what you have laid, shall be built upon as a strong tower, the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run to it and they are safe. A tower, a strong tower a beacon of light, I the Lord shall build upon what I have laid in your life and you shall come into the fullness of what I the Lord have called you to be for I have called you by name and I am calling you in this season to build, to allow ME the Lord your God to build and NO ONE will take it from you NO ONE will try to inhabit and grab a hold of what I build in your life, and those that have tried, those attempted to latch on, to move what I built THE WRONG WAY their consequence shall be of their own making for instability cannot steer a ship and you have put instability at the helm and the ship is about to run aground and be destroyed for it was set off course by a faulty compass and those giving directions in the dark this shall come to the light and be made known.

Those who have been accused, and ostracized all in the name of control they shall be vindicated this year that plan b shall fail and the lies and deception so sewn shall tare and fray and unravel for that is their harvest for giving themselves over to the brokenness and desire for what was not theirs to take, that shall be rectified, vindication says the Lord.

I AM your vindicator, I AM your advocate and I WILL vindicate and exonerate you from the accusations of Marthas gone astray and those who listened to such foolishness that was not based in MY word this shall be rectified, for this is the year of extreme growth and rectification even going years back for I shall make right what was broken years back and influenced events, this shall be made right the broken places made straight and I the Lord shall shine a spotlight on MY faithful ones who are faithful to me, you do not see what I SEE in private and I know who is truly faithful and who is faithful to the camera alone says the Lord of Hosts.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, a blooming in the desert you shall be the oasis for ME you shall bloom where others don’t grow you shall and will branch off and be as a strong oak as the cedars you shall be strongly rooted in your position I have given you for MY GLORY and for MY NAME the name above all names, know this believe it for the judge is bringing rectification and vindication and you shall exponentially grow for MY GLORY, a great mantle of favor is being placed upon some of you it shall grow immensely in this year thus says the Lord of Hosts in the name of Jesus Christ who sits at MY right-hand amen and amen.

Word from the Lord--May 12, 2023 from the Miami ReAwaken Tour

And the Lord thy God says this day, "Is My arm too short that it cannot save? Is My power too little that it cannot overcome? For you a...