For My children, many have been enduring long
battles, have been crying out for relief, and I the Lord thy God, in a
demonstration of My power am bringing this relief in. Yes, it is blowing in suddenly, and changes,
many changes, will happen now at My Word.
For I am opening new chapters in My children’s lives, who have truly
been faithful. Bringing to a close other
chapters that drug on way too long says the Lord of Hosts this day. The enemy is kicking and screaming because of
what I am going to do now says the Lord.
Yes, he and his dark forces are being fiercely sent in retreat by My
angelic army says the Lord. And the
enemy and his forces are being forced, literally by force, to let go of My
children and their lives and to cut the chains of bondage, strongholds,
dysfunction, sickness, corruption, lies, oppression and sorrow that has been
attempting to restrict My children says the Lord. However, My children, My beloved precious
children have fought the good fight.
They have pushed, they have persevered, they have clawed and crawled to
keep moving forward says the Lord.
Praising Me and doing My work even when they were so hurt and wounded
themselves says the Lord. However,
Spring is on the horizon says the Lord.
Those wounds are being healed and new growth shall suddenly spring forth
in the Spring says the Lord. Yes, new
growth, new beginnings for My children, breathing a breath of fresh air they
have not felt in a very long time says the Lord. I have taken away the power from the
enemy. He will NOT sift My children like
wheat anymore says the Lord, for the enemy has been using their own families,
the church and potholes, spiritual potholes, meaning for My children to hit
them and fall, says the Lord.
says the Lord of Hosts this day, I have commanded that My children be
delivered, yes, as Passover approaches, My children, you shall be delivered
from the oppression and the hands of Egypt and you shall move on into what I
have willed for your lives and leave Egypt and all its darkness and dysfunction
behind says the Lord. For Egypt had its
chance and I am commanding that spirit and those circumstances to depart from
My children’s lives says the Lord of Hosts this day. For I am not a man that I should lie says the
Lord and truly this will be a Passover to celebrate says the Lord of
Hosts. Freedom is at hand, get ready,
get ready! Make haste My children
because you are moving on into the Promised Land the yeses and the amens says
the Lord of Host this day. And says the
Lord, Egypt and its tricks and magicians and its idolatry and its bondages
shall not harm you or consume your lives anymore says the Lord for My children
in this hours must be powerful vessels for Me to fill and operate through says
the Lord. And no quarter tie can be
attached to Egypt for I need My children to have the freedom to move in any
given direction at My Word says the Lord.
So yes, March is coming in like a Lion and going out like a Lamb. And the Lamb, My Son, My Precious Son is
bringing peace and stability into the lives of My children that have endured
dysfunction and chaos because of the rebellion and ungodliness of others.
On the road to Damascus says the
Lord. I shall meet those on the road to
Damascus who need a wake up call, who need to be stopped in their tracks and
rerouted for the road they are on will only continue to lead to the destruction
and dysfunctional fun house the enemy has attempted to make those believe are
good. Whoa to those who call evil good
and good evil says the Lord of Hosts this day, for I shall pull the curtains
back, remove the scales from people’s eyes and make it very plain to see evil
for evil and good for good, no more confusing the two says the Lord of Hosts
this day, for the enemy has suddenly injected confusion into the Church, the
lives of My children and into society says the Lord of Hosts this day. My children, some whose judgment has become
clouded, I am lifting the fog says the Lord and yes the truth can hurt says the
Lord, but it is so very necessary in order for Me to rectify what has been made
wrong by choices and by those who claim to have the good intentions of My
children in mind; however, are greedy and corrupt to the core and I shall
expose this ugliness says the Lord, not only in My children’s lives and family,
but in the Church and in the government.
These greedy, greedy gremlins, yes, these do exist in the underworld
says the Lord, have cost My children and this nation a lot. My children have been robbed by a host of
wolves in sheep’s clothing and even by the Church says the Lord of Hosts this
day. I warned says the Lord, that a
Spring cleaning is coming to the house of God and I MEAN it. I need My House back in order says the Lord,
and the disarray, the corrupt motives, the cauldron of secrets, ENOUGH!
You are witnessing a changing of the guard
right now says the Lord and I am raising up the younger generation, these will
leap forth from obscurity into a new arena and they will speak with heavy
anointings and the fire of Almighty God that will be like a two-edged sword penetrating to the
dividing line. My people will once again
catch the fire of God and a spiritual refreshing that will breath forth through
pockets of revival in this nation of the United States of America says the Lord
of Hosts this day.
So this day My
children, I say unto you, get ready, make haste, be in expectation, many
changes will take place. I am expediting
matters and speeding events up for the sake of My children, who so desperately
need relief. And this relief shall come
like a whirlwind, sudden, quick and to the point says the Lord. Breakthrough, vindication and freedom are all
here, so lift up your voices and praise Me today for before your very eyes, now
major changes will take place at My Word, where those will look in utter and
true amazement and say “only Almighty God could have done this thing” says the
Lord of Hosts this day. In Jesus Name.
Was in a dream. In a humble house, lots of people crowded in, thought they were intercessors. Washed coffee cups and dishes all night. Washing teacups and pots. Pots dented, old. Felt the Lord going to clean vessels and give us new. Old pots and pans to be changed into new. New anointing, deliverance. Ministries that had worked hard, to be made new again. Church being cleaned and broken people given new. Saw old broken cups being replaced with new. Great anticipation even though weary from the work. Great reward coming in love and fellowships. Newness refreshing coming. Stay the course. One more batch of teacups to clean. Almost done.