Thursday, April 9, 2020


The Floodgates Opening, Restitution and a Sudden Prophetic Word From the Lord

I’ve been praying about some things and I’ve been watching some things happen. So I want to get into a couple of Scripture references for today and then we’re going to talk about the dam breaking. That everything hidden is beginning to pour out now, that the suddenlys are definitely happening and now is the time to declare that the enemy must restore seven-fold.  Now is the time to really stand in faith for restitution and for the Lord to restore you. 

Scripture References:
Job 42:10: When Job prayed for his friends and did not curse God, the Lord restored unto Him to times as much.

In Proverbs, people do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy himself when he is starving, yet when he is found, he must restore seven-fold. He may have to give up all the substance of his house. Proverbs 6:31

Joel-Be glad then children of Zion and rejoice in the Lord your God for He has given you the former rain moderately, and He will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain and the latter rain in the first month. And the floors shall be full of wheat and the vat shall overflow with wine and oil and I will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar and the palmerworm; My great army which I sent among you.  And you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the Name of the Lord that had dealt wondrously with you and My people shall never be ashamed. Joel 2: 23-27

So, I got these Scripture verses out because I had warned in the last video about suddenlys.  Suddenlys were going to happen, the time was upon us; the hour was here for all that is hidden to come out.  I can tell you that it is definitely begun.  I am watching it happen all around me.  There is like a rush of the Lord flushing out into the open what has been hidden, what is corrupt, what is ungodly, what is not pleasing to Him and dealing with it. And be prepared in this rush for things to be removed from your life because He’s bringing a rush of power to flush this out in the open. Then He’s sweeping it out, so there’s a lot of debris that’s getting kicked up that’s laid hidden in plain sight that now the Lord is going to sweep out of your lives because if that debris stays on you or stays in your life, it is just going to hinder what He has for you to do. So be prepared right now because it’s happening right now, what is hidden to be flushed out into the open by the Lord, literally like a, you know when there’s air that builds up in a tube and it pushes, there’s so much air and tension that builds up, that whatever is in that tube blows out?  That’s what it’s like, God is pushed and pushed and pushed and now it’s going to blow and things are coming flushing out in the open and then they’re being swept out.  So once they’re exposed, they have to be removed a lot of these things because they’re just going to hinder, destroy and oppress.  So the debris is being swept out now, it’s been kicked up, it’s been forced to the surface and now it’s going to be swept out.  So be prepared, be prepared right now for that to happen because it has already begun. I am watching it happen around me right now, it is incredible to watch.  Nothing remains hidden from the Lord, and this is the point He is making with this, that nothing remains hidden from His sight.  

In this season, it all has to come out, so if anybody thinks they are going to get away with something, especially against God’s children, they are not!  Because the Lord sees all things and He is exposing it now and He is literally forcing it out by a rush of spiritual power by a force of spiritual power He is flushing those things right out into the open and then sweeping them right out of the way to make that path clear and get all the debris off the path so you can continue on into the amazing things He has for you to do.  So that’s something I wanted to talk about quickly because it’s already starting, so just be prepared.  I warned it was coming, that the hour was here, it’s already started, I’m watching it even happen all around me and it’s incredible to watch the Lord do this. 

Secondly, now is the time to declare what the enemy has wronged you with, what he has stolen from you to restore it unto you, restitution, to take your claim back.  To demand the enemy in Jesus Name has to give back what he has stolen, to speak forth restitution and restoration of those things that the enemy has operated through people to steal from you.  Now is the time to take the Sword of the Spirit, to take the Word of God and start swinging and declaring, because as these things are being flushed out in the open, the Lord is going to restore, that’s the second part of restoration, right?  The first part is very painful because everything has to be torn down, but the second part,God begins to build it back up, way better than it ever could have been before.  So now is the time to really start declaring it.  Declaring the restitution, the repayment that the enemy, the thief, who is the thief of thieves, the enemy, has to restore unto you 7 times what he has stolen.  And I’m going to tell you to petition it in the Courts of Heaven. 

How do you petition something in the Courts of Heaven? 

What you do is that in your prayer time with the Lord, you go to the Lord.  You ask the Lord to forgive you of your sins, you repent of all your sins, the person that’s wronged you, you ask the Lord to forgive them, because we have to forgive those that have wronged us. 

Then you ask the Lord to forgive you of any negative words you might have spoken against that person and cancel those words in the Name of Jesus. 

Then in the Courts of Heaven, speak forth exactly what you need to happen, exactly what you need restored, exactly what needs to come forth and what needs to take place. 

After you do that, rebuke the enemy in the Name of Jesus, and identify every spirit that you can see operating in this by name and rebuke them in the Name of Jesus and command they are cast back to the pit of hell and banished to that pit in Jesus Name and that they cannot hinder you, attack you anymore in Jesus Name. 

So now is the time to really go to the Courts of Heaven with the Word of God, with what you need to happen, what you need restored unto you that was unrightfully or unlawfully or wrongfully taken from you and really with furor and passion go for it and declare it.  Declare it in faith and in passion and keep pushing towards the mark of that high calling until you have the fulfillment of everything God has for your life.  Because God wants such amazing things for your life.  He does!  He is the Lion and the Lamb and people forget that.  We need to walk with reverence before the Lord, we need to walk circumspectly before Him.  We need to have a healthy fear of His Awesomeness and His Power, because He is the Lion and the Lamb and a lot of people forget that.  There’s so much grace being taught right now in the Churches that they are turning the Lord into a harmless little pussy cat.  He is not a harmless little pussy cat.  He is Almighty, All Powerful, Everlasting, Omniscient, Omnipotent, King of kings, LORD of lords, Who was and Is and is to come.  

That’s the kind of God He is and we need to recognize that every day. And we need to walk circumspectly before Him and realize He is the Lion and the Lamb. He is the same God yesterday, today and forever.  He is the same God in the Old Testament that He is in the New Testament.  He is a Jealous God, He hates deception and He laughs at the wicked.  I will tell you the pit that people have dug, either for you, or for America, or for your family, the pit they tried to dig to harm you; they are going to fall into themselves now in the midst of these things coming out in the open.  The trap they laid, the net they laid for you, they are going to get caught in themselves now.  

You know why?  Because not only the Lord promises that, but we are in that season where what is hidden is exposed and we are vindicated and those who have laid those snares and those traps and dug those pits, the Lord is going to leave them to their own devises to fall into themselves now.  They are going to do themselves in.  Because they are blindly walking toward a cliff and they can’t see the edge of the cliff because they are so consumed being a puppet for the enemy in delusion and in denial and corruption that they don’t even see the edge of the cliff coming.  So really what they laid for you to harm you is going to backfire on them and harm them.  Why?  Because when you try to hurt God’s children, when you try to touch His anointed, the Lord answers.  The Lord raises a standard when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord will raise a standard against him and right now that standard and that flood is flushing out everything ungodly and detestable that has been hidden, that has been hurting His children, that has been stealing from His children, that has been snaring them, hindering them, oppressing them, holding them back from His Will.  He is raising that standard, He is coming in like a flood with it and He is flushing all of this out in the open and it is amazing to watch.  Like I said, I’m watching this happen all around me, it is absolutely incredible to watch these things take place.  You’re going to see them take place all around you like I said, from families to the Church, to the Government.  It’s all in that standard, getting flushed out because that’s what the Lord does when the enemy wants to try to oppose Him.  God is greater, He will always be greater, He is far greater, He is far more powerful, He is far more brilliant, He is far more Kingly in what He does and how He rules and the enemy is never, ever, ever going to achieve that.  And God has given us the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions, against all the power of the enemy so nothing shall by any means hurt us. 

The Lord wants you to know that He is rescuing you from the snare of the fowler and the perilous pestilence.  And He is covering you in His feathers and some of you are going to be given safe havens right now.  Some of you are going to be moved into safe havens and places of transition.  When the Jews were rescued from Egypt and I can feel the anointing of God, I can actually feel it around me, all Glory be to God, so He’s present.  Praise the Lord, He’s present.  When the Jews were delivered out of Egypt, why?  Because the Lord raised a standard that the enemy and Pharaoh couldn’t fight.  The Lord came in like a flood with His standard and made it impossible for Egypt to hold onto His people.  And when God delivered them out, they were in transition.  So when they were first delivered out of bondage, they were in transition.  What did the Lord do when the Jews were in transition?  He provided for them in the desert, He gave them manna, He gave them water, He even gave them meat.  Which He wasn’t happy about, they complained about it, and they paid for it later.  But He gave it to them.  He provided shelter for them, He provided a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.  He spoke to Moses, He led him and had they not been so stiffed necked, they would have got where they were going much quicker than they did.  However, in transition, the Lord provided everything they needed, while they were moving on into their promise.  Some of you are in transition right now and the Lord is going to provide for you in that transition.  He’s going to provide for your needs in that transition.  Is transition a comfortable place?  

Most of the time it’s not, but it prepares us, it humbles us, it gets us ready to give all Glory to God and to know that the Lord thy God is the only One that could have brought you out of the desert places, out of the oppression, out of the bondage, out of the snare of the fowler, out of the lair of the enemy, out of the viper’s nest, only the Lord thy God could do that and while you’re in transition, that’s when He works on you and molds you and builds that one-on-one relationship with you because that’s most important.  That one-on-one relationship with you and Jesus and building that faith knowing in your heart of hearts that the Lord does what He says, that even in front of you, if it may not look like it, you trust the Lord with your life.  You trust Him that He is going to see you through this, that He knows what’s best for you.  A lot of people have a hard time with that and in transition, that’s where the Lord says, do you really trust Me?  Do you really trust Me with your life?  

Do you really trust Me that I know what’s best for you?  That I will bring you into a place that you could have never imagined because I know your heart better than you know your heart.  I know you better than you know you.  I know the desires of your heart, I know what you like and don’t like, I know every hair on your head.  You see the Lord wants you to get to that place where you know that in your heart of hearts.  Where you know He has your best interests at heart and if you walk in a close communion with Him because that’s what He wants with His people, a close relationship with Him where you can share how you feel, where you can come to Him.  He wants you to come to Him first when you have a need, not your family, not your work.  When you have need, He wants you to ask Him first.  You know why?  Because He wants to be number one in every area of your life, because He’s a jealous God.  But when you give Him that, you get the most amazing things back.  When you walk that straight and narrow line, remember He says the path is narrow.  The way of the world is broad, many are called, but few are chosen.  Because it’s the few that are willing to go through the fire and the pain and the tears and the trials and the triumphs to get to that Kingdom place, to get to the promises of God.  It’s like the Marines, right?  Many may sign up for the Marines, but only a few make it through, right?  They are called the few, the proud, the Marines.  Because only a few can endure the rigorous journey that they have to go on to become the Marines.  And only a few can endure the rigorous journey to become true soldiers for the Lord.  To truly walk out their faith with fear and trembling, to truly get in that communion with the Lord where He can speak to your spirit and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt it’s the Lord.  Where He can instruct you, that’s why He says, you will hear a voice saying behind you, walk, right?  You’ll hear a voice behind you saying walk in this way whenever you turn to the right or to the left.  

You will hear that Voice, that’s where He wants to get to, where that Voice is guiding you in every single thing you do.  And that’s why it’s so important for Him to clean out the debris from your life, expose what is hidden, cut those cords and transition you.  And the place of transition isn’t comfortable, but He provides for you and He builds that relationship and that trust with you.  So that by the time you come out of that into your promise, you are not only ready to receive your promise, you have the wisdom, you have the experience, you have the character and you know to give all Glory to God in all things you do.  Let me tell you, I could not do anything I do without the Lord.  He is my Everything.  He is my Everything.  I can’t do these broadcast, I can’t do the Animal Sanctuary.  I can’t get up every day and push in pain without the Lord and I know it.  This is all for His Glory.  We are vessels that He fills.  We are instruments that He plays, so a vessel is of no use unless somebody fills it, correct?  An instrument cannot make a sound unless somebody knows how to play it.  So we are mouthpieces for the Lord, we are nothing without Him.  He has all the power, we are His servants.  And we are His children, but for that He gives us when we understand that relationship and how it works, He bestows upon us the most amazing things.  He reveals to us things to come before they come.  But He has to know He can trust you with that, and He has to know He can trust you with the promise.  So while you’re in transition, He works out all those kinks so that when you get to that promise, you are ready and you are ready to glorify Him and do it for His Glory.  Because the Lord says, occupy until My return.  That’s what He says, occupy until My return.  That means in every area.  

There are Christians who are called into finance, because they have to be the financiers of the Kingdom of God.  There are Christians that are called into Prophecy, into the Prophetic, there are Christians that are called to Pastor; there are Christians that are called to Teach.  There are Christians that are called to raise up the next generation that are going to speak with the Fire of Almighty God with the conviction. There are those He calls to bake and to be chefs.  Why?  To nourish the Kingdom of God. So we all have talents and gifts God has given us and we are all here to occupy until His return. When we allow the Lord to put us where He wants us, that’s where we’ll shine the most.  He knows which one of our talents can be used the most for His Glory and are the most effective and that’s where He will put us.  And when the Lord told me to start this YouTube channel, I’ll be honest with you I was a little hesitant because I only started it about 2 months ago doing these videos.  

I was a little hesitant, this was something new for me, but I took a step out in faith and I said Lord, this is for Your Glory and You’re going to build it how You want because I am Your mouthpiece, I am here for You and Your Glory.  I am here to take my testimony and what I go through and encourage those out there to keep persevering. A lot of you, like I said, are in transition right now and get ready to enter your promise. 

Prepare yourself, make sure you’re in communion with the Lord.  You’re in His Word, you’re understanding what He wants for your life.  You’re understanding that when you get that promise, you don’t slack off, you let Him keep leading you, and you cultivate that relationship with Him.  You keep doing it for His Glory.  That’s what He wants to make sure when He gives you that promise, and that you’re not just going to throw Him to the side and think it’s all you.  Always remember that it’s Him.  Always remember that He’s first, and always remember that He is God, that He made us.  So that He knows what’s best for us because He is truly our Creator.  So know in this season, while you’re in transition, or while you’re entering your promise.  Like I said, people are entering new phases in this season, new levels in this season, know that the Lord thy God knows what is best for His beloved children and He wants the best for all of them.  Because the Lord thy God knows in these days He is raising up the remnant, He is raising up that army that is the remnant, it’s the remnant that speaks with the Fire of Almighty God.  It’s the remnant that’s sold out to Jesus.  It’s the remnant that wants the Lord, that doesn’t want Hollywood, that doesn’t chase celebrities, that doesn’t chase any of that, that chases after the things of God.  Because the Lord says if you glorify Him, He will honor you before men.  If you know that relationship, and you walk with reverence before God, He truly honors you before men.  Because the Lord thy God wants to do a new thing in your life.  The Lord thy God wants to make you a new creation in Christ, the Lord thy God wants to rebuild you and hone you and mold you as the Lord they God says as I molded the jar of clay in Jeremiah. 

Sudden Prophetic Word: 
As I spoke in Jeremiah says the Lord thy God, and by the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ, may only the Truth come forth in Jesus Name, as I molded you, like I spoke of in Jeremiah, says the Lord thy God.  As I mold you into that beautiful vessel, as I have you on a spindle says the Lord, as I have you, says the Lord, and I am molding you, I am causing the dross to come up says the Lord thy God.  I am peeling back the layers I don’t like, I am refining you and restoring you says the Lord thy God and causing you to be a better version of yourself, says the Lord thy God.  

Because I know My creation inside and out says the Lord thy God, and this day says the Lord thy God, know that I AM reworking your life, I AM rearranging you, I am molding you, I AM fixing the cracks and the chips and the hurts and the wounds and I say the Lord thy God am pouring My oil of gladness, am pouring My oil of joy over that, I AM healing it says the Lord thy God, I AM healing those wounds so the bitterness does not take root.  I, the Lord thy God says this day am uprooting the bitterness, I am uprooting the anger, I am uprooting the hurts from your life from those in the past that have so wounded you My children.  I am uprooting those things, I am cutting away the tares, I am pruning in this season and I say the Lord thy God, I will present you as a beautiful new creation in Christ.  I will present you as My children, called by My Name to do My work, says the Lord thy God.  So know this day says the Lord thy God, do not despise the process says the Lord.  

Do not despise the process says the Lord thy God, for in taking you through the process, I take you into deeper communion with Me says the Lord thy God.  I the Lord of Hosts say this day, that during the process, you will see the promise.  During the process, you will see the promise says the Lord thy God.  Know this day, says the Lord, I have you in the palm of My hand, and I have your promise in the palm of My hand and I am bringing you into your promise.  So you can be the effective vessels I have called you to be My beloved children.  No, I have not abandoned you says the Lord thy God.  And yes, in a world right now that is filled with confusion and with rage, and with anger, and with reprobates, and with wicked spirits of Babylon and Jezebel and Leviathan, spirits of Ahab, spirits of lying tongues, spirits that put lies in people’s mouths, spirits of propaganda, spirits of dictatorships, spirits of perversion, know this day says the Lord thy God, 

I am molding you to be a light in a dark place, to be a voice crying in the wilderness.  I am molding you, that your words that come from Me will cut like a double-edged sword penetrating to the dividing line says the Lord thy God of these wicked entities, of these wicked plans and it shall in the Name of Jesus pierce through the darkness and the confusion and the perversion and the anger and know says the Lord thy God this day, that it will cause the enemy to go in retreat, it will cause those to be drawn to you because you are a light, because they see you are a light, because they feel My power and My anointing pouring out from you.  I the Lord thy God say this day, that in this season, My anointing will be felt pouring out from you, it will be felt so strongly that it will cause those that have been searching, those that have been watching the tantrum the enemy is throwing, the confusion, the wickedness he is trying to pour out, My Love and My Anointing and My Power will be greater in this season says the Lord thy God, that is coming through My children.  And yes, says the Lord thy God, I am raising the remnant up and I am raising some of My children up out of obscurity to be the voice, to be the fire, to be the voice of Truth in a sea of lies, in a sea of confusion, to be the voice of penetrating, piercing Truth says the Lord of Hosts this day.  So know the Lord thy God that in this season, you will see these things happen and you will rise to the occasion says the Lord thy God.  

You will rise up in one accord and you will put tens of thousands to flight says the Lord thy God, of the enemy and the wicked, and yes, the minefield of traps is set says the Lord thy God, and all of these traps that the enemy has sown, that these wicked puppets have sown, like a minefield, are going to go off and they’re going to get caught in their own trap says the Lord of Hosts this day.  They’re going to get caught in their own pit says the Lord thy God.  They have laid it like a minefield, they have sown it like a minefield, and I am going to strike them with confusion and send them into their own minefield.  And you are going to see those in the media, and in Government, and in the Church, and in families even says the Lord, step on their own minefields, and destroy their own plans.They are sabotaging themselves says the Lord thy God.  



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