Saturday, March 14, 2020



And the Lord God says this day….

fear not my children… fear not… in an
hour where the enemy is causing
confusion…. in an hour where the enemy is
causing chaos… the enemy is attempting to gain control… and those said the Lord
that have given themselves over to the
powers of darkness that have served them
for a very very long time… they are
attempting to gain control for the enemy
not only control but they are attempting
to put a hook in the minds of those that
are scared and vulnerable right now in
being shaken because they are not firmly
rooted in me in my word they are not
standing upon the solid rock of Jesus
Christ but the world right now is
standing on sand…
they have built their house upon the
sand and now the winds are coming says
the Lord and the rain is coming and the
foundation is being shaken because the
sand is sinking, however says the
they got this day, as Peter when he
walked out onto the water when my son
called him… and he began to sink because
for a moment he lost faith for a moment
he looked at where he was for a moment
he went back into his flesh… my son Jesus
reached down in his mercy and pulled him
up and saved him from the sinking and
saved him from destruction
I the LORD thy God this day have my hand
out and I am prepared… I am prepared to
grab on to those in the world who are
willing to cry out to me in this hour…
and say Abba Father and say come to us
Lord… I am willing to grab a hold of
those as the LORD thy God in this hour
who have chosen… to root their faith in
the world and now the world is being
shaken and their faith system is
I the LORD thy God and walking into the
middle of that situation… and I will save
those who humble themselves in this hour…
I will grab ahold of those who cry out
to my son Jesus in in the privacy of
their home in their private
time… in their private thoughts where
they fall before me says the Lord thy
God this day where they fall before me
and cry out to me, I the LORD thy God
shall answer that cry and I shall send
my word and I the LORD thy God this day
I am giving my children boldness in this
hour and faith supernatural faith and
supernatural favor to open up their
mouths and speak my word in this hour
that is like a two-edged sword
penetrating to the dividing line and I
the LORD thy God with that sword called
truth I am going to penetrate to the
dividing line and separate truth from
lie and those who are rooted in me are
going to see the sorting happening right
before their very eyes
know this day I have all things of my
yes nations were judged but the enemy
with his puppets and his propaganda and
with a bullhorn took what I the LORD thy
God was dealing with nations about… and
they have taken it to try to use for
their advantage to get control of the
people to manipulate offices to
manipulate elections to manipulate faith
in the country to manipulate a
foundation of beliefs that are not
rooted in me but out our rooted in
everything fleshly that are rooted in
everything that is not of me that are
rooted in everything that is of darkness
that are rooted in everything of the
world that are rooted in everything that
is corrupt…
and they are trying to replace it in
this hour in the confusion in the chaos
they are trying to switch out the belief
system says the Lord thy God this day
however, I the LORD thy God see all
things and I appoint kings and leaders
and I rule and reign on the throne and I
judges the righteous judge and I say
those who are leading the charge to try
to switch out these belief systems I
will strike them and smite them in this
hour says the Lord thy God this day for
I will not tolerate in an hour where I
am allowing this to bring people to
their knees and to humble themselves
before me and cry out before me so I can
change the nation so I can bring souls
to me so I can grow for the glory of God
I can grow the kingdom says the Lord thy
God this day for my glory I can grow the
kingdom on earth as it is in heaven for
the kingdom of God needs advancement on
this earth… time is short my children and
we need to advance the kingdom on this
earth because souls are at stake and I
will not lose one that is not supposed
to be lost says the LORD thy God this day
not 1 in this hour… cry out to me in this
hour come into agreement my children put
on your whole armor of God that you may
stand against the wiles and the
scheming’s of the devil I will give you
the boldness I will give you the words
cleave unto me seek me more than you
ever have
cry out to me I will keep those in
perfect peace whose mind is stayed on me
says the Lord thy God this day I will
keep you in perfect peace not the media,
not the world system not technology, not
man but me Almighty God who is the Alpha
and Omega the beginning and the ending I
am he who liveth and died and behold
says the Lord thy God this day I am
Alive forever more watch for a shift
says the Lord thy God this day for a
shift that will take place there is a
shift coming my children in the near
future where the virus will halt says
the Lord thy God this day and it is
going to hope because I the LORD thy God
will work things together for good… to
exonerate my children to raise up my
children and for the glory of God and
for might my precious son Jesus who died
on the cross for the sins of the world… I
in this hour… will work things together
and you will see events and
circumstances come forth you will see
them weave together you will see events
and circumstances that shouldn't be
interlock and come together you will
see an unusual turn of events as the
LORD thy God this day as we approach
Passover and soon after because at
Passover says the Lord thy God this day
I delivered my children from the plagues
I delivered them and kept them safe from
the plagues of Egypt while the plagues
were hitting Egypt my children were safe
and the blood on the doorpost the
precious blood of the lamb is what
spared them as the last and final plague
moved over Egypt to shake the chains of
bondage free and
to shake the principality to the core
that was ruling over Egypt and using
Pharaoh as a puppet and I the LORD thy
God in this hour approaching Passover
shall do the same and you shall see a
sign and a wonder like never before you
shall see miracles come forth out of
China and Iran and the United States of
America I in the name of Jesus my son
Jesus the leadership that is crying out
to me behind the scenes in the United
States of America I shall give that
leadership the brilliance to mobilize
and to establish that it will be
contained the advancement will stop, it
will shock the media says the Lord, it
will shock man but the advancement will
suddenly stop because when I the LORD
thy God rule from my throne and say halt
there is not a virus, not a principality,
not a man not an enterprise that can
continue to do the dealings they're
doing… and I the LORD thy God shall bring
a reversal… and I shall bring a receding…
and we shall see this happen as more and
more cry out to me and we shall see the
media… those that like a sniveling snake…
wrapped around a bull horn… they will be
judged and they will be dealt with… and
those powering behind them.. feeding them..
these words that are not that are not
peaceful… that are not for your good, but
are that are to increase the spirit
of fear on the planet right now,
to increase the spirit of confusion to
increase that spirit in order to gain a
hold and a foothold… and a step up above
man to rule them and oppress them even
more as so a dictatorship does says the
Lord so there are those right now in
influential positions that are
attempting this move and I the LORD thy
God say before this is done
people shall be removed from their
positions reporters shall be removed
from their positions there shall be
networks that suffer says the Lord for
daring to take what is it epidemic for
daring to take what has been allowed in
order to change the course of what's
going on in this world to dare take it
and try to use it in order to get… their
people in power… in order to get their
agenda across in order to like an octopus
wrap their tentacles around all of the
government all three branches and
engulfing and encompass it and squeeze
it in order to destroy the very
foundation of why I the LORD thy God
allowed America to be raised up to be a
beacon on a hill to be a place where
people can freely worship me to be a
country that unites with Israel and I
the LORD thy God say I will not allow
man to assert what I the LORD thy God
started hundreds of years ago the good
work I started I the LORD thy God this
day shall finish because I am God and I
will not be mocked and I will not have
man judge me but I in this hour shall
judge man and my children shall be
exonerated protected lifted up and
prospered and moved forward and
compelled forward in this hour for the
glory of God for the sake of the souls
and in order to break the chains and the
bondages that the enemy is attempting to
wrap around this nation Israel and other
nations that should have long been freed
says the Lord thy God this day will you
shall see Nations freed rest assured as
you watch me the Lord move forth with
power and with might and with majesty
you shall see nations freed before you…
and you shall see the government of
China… be exposed and those who were
be exposed and you shall see them shaken
to their foundations to their core and
split open as I split open the earth
with the rebellion that Cora led so I
shall split that government open and the
governments of Iran and the government
of Russia
I shall split them open and exposed down
to the Hallows what they are doing says
the Lord thy God this day for I the LORD
am changing the courts I am changing the
courts of events on this planet I am
changing it in order to save souls in
order to… excel my children in this hour…
there will be an acceleration of my
children where man is shaking people
will see my children Excel there will be
a clear line drawn in the sand and there
will be a clear… choice choose this day
whom you will serve says the Lord thy
God this day choose this day whom you
will serve…
choose life… I have set before you this day…
death and life choose life that you your
seed and your country may live cleave on
to me my children grab hold of my hand
in this hour listen for me praise me
like you never have let the praises
shoot pass the enemy's camp up into the
heavens to reach my throne for I the
LORD thy God will be compelled
to act as my children in this nation and
as the President and the Vice President
and those in leadership humble
themselves and come together and cry out
to me I will be compelled to act… and
they will know it's me they will know
it's the LORD thy God they will say look
what the Lord has done they will see a
supernatural course of events and… less
and less people will refute it when they
see it there will always be scoffers and
naysayers and mockers but I the LORD thy
God this day will
Ensure… that all things work together for
good for those who love God and are
called according to this purpose and
this time is no different it is crucial
the time is now like never before I
shall work things together for good for
those who love God and are called according to
his purpose… because I the Lord love my
creation I love the earth I love my
people and I am coming soon and I want
humanity I want to turn the hearts of
humanity towards my son Jesus Christ who
made a purchase on the cross and took on
every sin that man could ever commit… my
one and only son I let go my one and
only… so when you my children have to let
things go you have to sacrifice think
about that every time… I had to let my
one-and-only go… and now I the LORD thy
God as you sacrifice and as you go
through your trials as you go through
the process you shall see the
restoration as my son when he said it is
finished saw the restoration of man
reconciled back to the father so you as
you go through the process and you yield
and Bend… Bend in this hour my children
do not stand rigid and stiff necked as
the Jews did in the desert wandering… and
they saw the miraculous they saw the Red
Sea parted they saw the plagues… learn from
them do not be stiff necked in this hour
but bend and you will see come forth out
of your belly rivers of living water
like never before and you will be raised up
to do what you thought you never could
because your father in heaven can do the
impossible exceedingly abundantly above
all you could ask or think my children
remember that as you go forth now.. put on
the whole armour of God that you may
stand against the wiles and the
schemings of the devil and praise me and
use my word, know my word in this hour
activate my word it is the sword… it is
sharp it is living it is active use it
in this hour and you will see the
miraculous come forth… thus saith the
Lord of hosts in the mighty name of
Jesus Christ amen and amen.



  1. Thank you Amanda . I always look forward to hearing what the Lord wants you to tell us. God bless You, Chris and your animals❤️❤️❤️

  2. Thank you, Amanda! I needed to hear this. The world is going crazy over the Corona virus but I refuse the feed on the fear that MSM is trying to instill to the public. I am keeping my faith in God almighty! Praying that others will have the scales removed from their eyes so they can see what is really going on.

  3. Trump calls for a National day of prayer Sunday, March 15th. Attend live 9am and 11am at:

  4. I'm dealing with the drama of my 2 daughters, but I'm looking forward to the vindication of God and the freedom He has promised...God has truly blessed President Trump for such a time as this...these media criminals hate him as much as yeshua/jesus.

  5. Dear Amanda, I felt the Holy Spirit during this National Prayer and in my minds eye I saw an opening to infinity realizing that God was indeed hearing us. I am so happy the Lord sent me to your YouTube when you first started. I love the prophetic and I like that you speak what God tells you to instead of fluff that some do. I thank you for your teachings and want you to know that you and Chris, and the sanctuary are in my prayers. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. God Bless


Word from the Lord--May 12, 2023 from the Miami ReAwaken Tour

And the Lord thy God says this day, "Is My arm too short that it cannot save? Is My power too little that it cannot overcome? For you a...