Wednesday, May 6, 2020



And the Spirit of the Lord says this day, I AM a consuming fire! I AM The Word, I AM the Breath of Life that you breath everyday says the Lord God Jehovah This day. Be though Holy For I am Holy says the Lord. This is a time of great shaking, of great awakening, and of great change says the Sprit! This is a time where those who have been walking around blind for years are for the first time truly seeing what is happening around them, seeing what until this time, has been behind and iron curtain says the Lord. I have torn that curtain says the Lord, I have fractured their covering, and now the masses are awakening to the wickedness that has literally been active underneath this country.

I the Lord God have chosen for such a time as this, for those whom I have raised up, to be utilized to expose these wicked channels, these wicked rings of those who believe they are superior for they get their power and influence from lucifer himself, not from Me the Lord your God. They believe that is enough, the power of darkness deceptively veiled as a false light, however, it is corroding and the price the bounty Lucifer demands can wreck one’s entire existence, as what is precious to them is tampered with and taken as a form of payment for the power they have been given. This power is sub par, it is false, it is corrupted, in no way does if come from the throne of Almighty God.

I am marking the corrupt says the Lord, I am marking them with a scarlet letter and their charges shall be hung around their necks, as this is the time of the righteous judge, this is a time of mene mene tekel upharsin. Many have been weighed and found wanting. And as this shaking occurs in this country and around the world, it shall shake the chains of blindness and bondage off of many, the veil shall be lifted says the Lord, confusion will lose it's grip as we see who is bought and paid for with the blood of the innocent, with corrupt blood money, with entitlements and indulgences that come from the kingdom of darkness says the Lord of Hosts this day.

I the Lord, am bulldozing a way, I am in some cases explosively making a way now, a clear path to order the steps of My children, My chosen, as the are accelerated during a time of shaking and quaking in the world says the Lord.

The lives of many have been stopped in their tracks through the events that have taken place however, this allows for a repositioning, and a time of re connection to humble yourselves before me and ensure you are in right standing with Me the Lord your God Yahweh, as you advance forward in this season. For the world may be under judgment and scrutiny right now, however I am drawing a clear line in the sand says the Lord thy God, and elevating My children, My anointed in a time where others see depression, recession, and uncertainty. For I the Lord your God am NOT subject to this world I AM NOT subject to any economic system or fluctuation, I AM NOT subject to the governments and rulers of men, for they are subject to me, the Lord your God Elohim!

Another crisis, that is fabricated by the wicked interlocked with the kingdom of Darkness in an attempt to hurt the president and secure his downfall however, it will backfire says the Lord and there will be a back-draft, there will be casualties imputed against those who attempted to execute such a vile scheme amidst the problems that have already hurt the masses says the Lord. However, I the Lord allow these things to shake those awake who have been asleep for the truth is like a double-edged sword, truth evokes change and change you shall see majorly leading up to November says the Lord, for those corrupted by power there shall be a shift, a course of events that I the Lord God have ordained, and they shall fall, some publicly will fall and plummet off the summit of corruption where they have operated from for long seasons of time says the Spirit.

I am giving my anointed a bullhorn for such a time as this, they will be heard, I will ensure they are heard says the Lord God Jehovah!! I shall issue a firm warning against the Palestinians says the Lord, I shall drive them back, they shall not prevail says the Lord and they shall wander in their defiance until they surrender says the Lord, they shall wander in the valley until such a time.

The united nations will be exposed for deep involvement for a conspiracy against the leadership of this country watch and see, a trail of money, a trail of bought and paid for, corrupt programs, entitlements, defilement, the paper trail shall be exposed says the Spirit.

The leadership of China shall suffer another heavy blow, one economic, and one in the terms of power, for the spirit of antichrist is upon their leadership and it must be purged says the Lord, for the portals of hell have been opened and unleashed upon the people, they are steeped in oppression, spiritual smog, daily they live their life in heavy chains that they cannot see. The prayer and faithfulness of the underground church, I shall shake that nation for them says the Lord, China shall quake says the Spirit!!

NOTE: Watch South Africa says the Lord, just keep watch!!

I the Lord am pouring out spiritual honey upon my people, nourishing but sweet it shall nourish and revive my people, for My people are going through a revving to usher in revival says the Lord, revival shall come, it shall break out suddenly I pockets around the world and in this country, some even simultaneous. The miracles of the old testament, the miracles of the Gospels shall be witnessed and those who bare witness shall indeed testify before many, for I the Lord your God am pouring out My Spirit and causing a wave of My truth to go forth across this nation.

I shall saturate the spirits of my people in a time of spiritual dryness and decay in the world my people shall be supernaturally revived in their spirits and sustained By My Grace and shall now rise and take their rightful positions I have ordained for that, that I the Lord have written in their books, the cup bearer my children, you shall encounter now cup bearers who shall be key in opening the door to your appointed positions. Key meetings that are divinely appointed are now set to take place. As the world goes into depression the people of Almighty God shall rise.

The enemy will not have His way, the enemy will not stop what is ordained, the enemy what he has meant for destruction shall backfire and inflict great casualty upon his camp instead, for a season I am pushing the enemy back, I am painting him into a corner says the Lord, I am putting a fiery line around my people that the enemy dare not cross, for many of My children need a season of recharging and a season of walking with Me and prospering in the sprit and in the natural, a season to heal from all the wounds inflicted upon them as the enemy has warred with them since the time of their youth. Even soldiers need periods of rest My children and that I shall give, a period of rest.

There will be supernatural provision, however learn to be grateful my children, to walk with a heart and spirit of gratitude for you are very blessed in this country where others in nations have nothing. To whom much is given much is required My children. Walk in a spirit of praise and thanksgiving and watch the doors to your lives open up and flow, for in praise and repentance the enemy lacks an open doors. Now is the time, now is the hour.

NOTE: An incident in Iowa, watch and see, says the Spirit.

NOTE: Another democratic candidate will re emerge back into the spot light, carefully watch the timing of who re emerges and what they say for there will be clues my children.

They are playing roulette, they are spinning the devils wheel, and in their gambling event when they attempt to securely “fix” events they shall lose in baffling ways, for I the Lord, God Yahweh can override even what is fixed and reverse the results. For I am God, I know no bounds, I am not bound by time, nor by man and in this season, My power shall be demonstrated more than any other time says the Lord, and I shall pour out that power insight accuracy and favor upon My children. Favor from the Lord your God is worth far more then the Worlds work My children and can accelerate faster than a lifetime of labor. Seek My favor, seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and ALL these things shall be added unto you in good measure, pressed down shaken together and running over I the Lord shall pour it into your lap so much so it cannot be contained.

In the midst of a lake that appeared to have no fish, Jesus entered that situation, and His favor caused the nets to be filled to the point of breaking, for dryness and famine yields to the King of Kings and in this season in an instant because My favor enters the situation, you shall see go from famine to such blessing it cannot be contained says the Lord.

There will be new positions and new assignments for my people in this season for I have been preparing some for key positions since their youth and I the Lord shall bring that forth now and lock you into position so the enemy cannot so easily move you. Build your house upon the solid rock of Jesus Christ and as you remain steadfast in your faith MY Children you shall see harvest, you shall see visions, and you shall SEE clearly what the world with its teachings and mantras,cannot. I will never leave you nor forsake you, I am with you even until the end of the age and I am coming against soon My children! 

God Bless You in the name of Yeshua, My precious Son, Jesus who died for you and is now seated at My right hand…In Jesus name!


  1. Thanks Amanda and Chris, praying for you and Chris that you receive Devine healing and restoration in body spirit and soul. God bless you and provide His fulness of healing in Chris. I command the blessing healing in JESUS NAME AMEN!!!!

  2. I believe that was right on!

  3. I watched your you’re YouTube video with The Mcfiles Wednesday. As you were reading the prophecy around the 44:00 min mark I heard what sounded like a dove. Do you by chance have a dove in your house or what was it? I know the dove is represented as the Holy Spirit and what’s funny is that you said in while it was happening that it was the Holy Spirit, but I don’t think you were meaning the Dove. If it was could it be that the Holy Spirit was confirming your prophecy?

  4. Another powerful word from the Most High God.This is such confirmation for me.May God bless you and Chris as you both walk with Him. Love you both.

  5. Maybe there will be a Warren- Sanders Ticket?

  6. Amanda, RE: Iowa, did you here Vice Pres Pence is in Iowa? Staff member tested for COVID, Pres Trump said he is going somewhere far away

  7. Your word: "Another democratic candidate will re emerge back into the spot light, carefully watch the timing of who re emerges and what they say for there will be clues my children." On May 14, 2020 Associated Press put out an article that says "Obama Emerges as Central Figure in 2020 Presidential Race" and is planning to have a highly visible role. Wanted to email the article to you, but the email I have keeps bouncing back.

  8. Prophecy Fulfilled!

    "NOTE: An incident in Iowa, watch and see, says the Spirit.

    NOTE: Another democratic candidate will re emerge back into the spot light, carefully watch the timing of who re emerges and what they say for there will be clues my children.

    They are playing roulette, they are spinning the devils wheel, and in their gambling event when they attempt to securely “fix” events they shall lose in baffling ways, for I the Lord, God Yahweh can override even what is fixed and reverse the results. For I am God, I know no bounds, I am not bound by time, nor by man and in this season, My power shall be demonstrated more than any other time says the Lord, and I shall pour out that power insight accuracy and favor upon My children."

    Prophecy fulfilled, Iowa is a disaster zone that has been hit with a storm equivalent to a class 2 hurricane. At the same time a Democratic candidate has re-emerged (Obama is a Democrat but not a candidate, this prophesy was never referring to him) Kamela Harris is a Democratic Candidate who has dropped out and re-emerged as Biden's VP.


Word from the Lord--May 12, 2023 from the Miami ReAwaken Tour

And the Lord thy God says this day, "Is My arm too short that it cannot save? Is My power too little that it cannot overcome? For you a...