Almighty God He is high and lifted up on the Throne of Grace, He reigns forever and ever, and judges the peoples righteously and with Power. And to His Kingdom, there is no end.
And the Spirit of the Lord God Adonai says this day; My Children though you may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you shall fear NO EVIL for I AM WITH YOU. My Rod and My Staff They comfort you. My Children In this hour I prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies and those who so choose to superficially accuse you for satan is the accuser of the brethren says the Lord of Hosts this day.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, The scales of Justice are weighing in the balance for the enemy, the wicked the corrupt have attempted to weigh it down and tie it down so it cannot be brought back to its rightful balance says the Lord of Hosts this day. However says the Lord, a sword in the Spirit has been sent, carried by heavenly Hosts and approaching the end of your year the first cut shall be made that shall severely weaken what they have used in an attempt to bind justice up and hinder it from moving and going forth into the earth.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day toward the end of your year Justice a scroll of Justice that has been written and decreed shall be rolled up and at My command hurled into the nations says the Lord.
Hurled into your nation, into the Justice system of your nation into the capitals of your nation into areas of Canada into the heart of Australia into where the capital the hub of the EU resides says the Lord of Hosts.
These scrolls so shall be sent forth as sharp as spears and they shall begin to correct and rectify what has become imbalanced says the Lord of Hosts.
A tipping point shall occur in the Supreme Court going into next year as a scarlet thread shall be found tied to 2 judges says the Lord, scarlet, red for the blood of the innocent and the blood of those lost in the quagmire of events in your nation of America. A record has indeed been kept of the judges records says the Lord including multiple appellate court Judges who are tied to these scarlet threads.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day for acts to give abortion life to give it a way to progress through the decades so I the Lord By MY HAND and outstretched arm have begun to turn back the clock and reverse pacts that were made between Drs and lawyers and activists long ago, an unholy triangular plot with each one piercing the atmosphere and the radio waves and the scales of Justice and stirring up resentments from a cauldron of oppression and declarations of inequalities for decades prior says the Lord of Hosts.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day a quill dipped in ink shall in the Spirit and the natural begin to rectify History and write new law and this quill this feather quill shall go across state borders rewriting and rectifying law as events in Texas and NY you shall see an event in tandem as the sins are dealt with and what man has written and judged the blood of the innocent I the Lord thy God shall Judge and decree life and a rewriting of the Law as I write on the hearts of listening men and women to act in their states as a victory cry begins to faintly be sung first and then shall become as loud as a war cry across your nation says the Lord of Hosts.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day the Lord thy God is not fooled, for it is fools who rush in and foolish men who desire to weave a corrupt symphony of words that lull man into following as so the rats did the pied piper.
Disciples? ha says the Lord, the leadership of NY has attempted to double down and has attempted to turn and twist the Word until it was so mangled in the midst of the people to push the second half of this wicked agenda filled with malice and oppression. However says the Lord I have driven a wedge in their plans and ordered principalities to retreat and the scandal Cuomo was embroiled in well it shall get twice as hot under the collar for the interim, VERY temporary governor of NY for what she has chosen to do SAYS THE LORD. SHE HAS INDEED MADE A CHOICE AND NOW I THE LORD SHALL MAKE MINE.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day the bottom feeders shall rise to the surface their concealers shall crack and fall off and their true nature shall come forth says the Lord of Hosts.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day the serpent and the scorpion shall attempt to constrict and to sting however going into your new year you shall see both the serpent and the scorpion cut in two and the content of what the serpent so feasted on revealed.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day for the remainder of the year into next you shall see this, who has been hidden, concealed for a season rise to the surface and come back out for air. Some I the Lord am bringing back to the forefront and others have pushed themselves back out into the forefront and have gotten out of MY timing says the Lord.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day the word LAUNCH shall be heard and used in more than one way as you see people, missiles, missions, launch.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day into next year there shall be a KEY archeological discovery that matches a crucial area of the Word, MY WORD.
The Word is LIVING MY children use it, utilize it, arm yourselves with it, feed yourself it for satan has gone forth to attempt to disillusion the masses for he has gotten a hold of the mouths of some in an attempt to turn those away from Me who are seeking Me says the LORD.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day the chromosome script shall be flipped on those who attempted to utilize it to confuse man and woman and the heart of their agenda, a whistleblower shall reveal that the heart of the matter has little to do with coming out but more to do with breaking and entering and committing a heist under the noses of those they deceived says the Lord of Hosts this day.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day it shall not be a jubilee for Disney for I shall pull out of the depths of their darkness that which shall be written in bold and shall fracture their company and holdings as fifty shall not be a good year for them says the Lord of Hosts.
I am a God who despises wickedness, be thou Holy for I am Holy says the Lord. You are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus if you would just believe My children and utilize the authority the enemy has so tried to make you hesitate in.
There shall be many twists and turns as the unexpected and unprecedented takes place as a rushing wind a rushing Holy Wind shall gust through the Supreme Court and Washington DC and blow out that which has so desperately been turned over on the tables says the Lord of Hosts this day.
It is by MY power and outstretched arm you shall be redeemed, come unto to ME all who are heavy laden and I the Lord shall give you rest. However, for the wicked, it shall storm indeed the most unusual storms in various parts of the world to confirm what I the Lord have spoken this day.
Seismic activity says the Lord, the warning before the plates move and the earthquakes, there is much seismic activity in the Spirit and rumblings shall be heard in the natural as an area of the US shall report unusual seismic activity that has not happened for some time as the precursor that the unusual is set to take place, including unusual events in the heavenlies to confirm that your nation shall tip says the Lord of Hosts.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day the church has been on a see-saw and no more shall they vacillate back and forth and go up and down on positions depending on what benefits them most to the congregation, for I the Lord am firmly planting.
Those willing to take the tough stance the difficult road having done all to stand as the see-saw shall break on many that have gone up and down one too many times and the center has become brittle and compromised.
I the Lord am calling MY Shepherds to Stand and be shepherds and Stand in the face of corruptness and stand when its not the popular stance and stand though the enemy though their congregants be angry, to stand because I the Lord told you to stand and that My children should be a good enough reason says the Lord of Hosts. Come let us reason together as I show you things beyond the veil as I am increasing in those dreams and visions to prepare the people for a steep dip to come followed by an incredible rising and soaring like the eagle says the Lord of Hosts. You shall run and not be weary you shall run the race you shall press toward the mark you shall plant the flag next year says the Lord of Hosts this day you shall law (lay) claim for Me the Lord your God to the areas which I have given to you.
You serve an awesome God high and lifted up the earth is My footstool and I the Lord shall and will have my way on the earth though wickedness attempt to advance the Word must go forth and accomplish what it has set out to do.
Wickedness shall be delayed says the Lord of Hosts as it has attempted to jump the gun to jump the clock to jump ahead and now I the Lord thy God shall order it back in retreat and you shall see retreats coming that are historic says the Lord of Hosts. Believe in Me Trust in Me and know I am God, that I AM. thus sayeth the Lord of Hosts in the name of Yeshua amen and amen.