Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Amanda's word from the Lord - 02.18.2022 - ReAwaken America Conference

I am God and there is none other. I am the Alpha and Omega. I am the Creator of what is seen and unseen. The earth is My footstool. Do you think the redemption of your nation is really too difficult for Me, My children? I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I am the God of Israel. I am the God who sent My son, Yeshua, to the earth, and the Word became flesh because I so love the world. I am the God that defies the laws of nature, that defies the laws of physics. I am the God that shakes governments. I am the God that knocks down podiums of those that are speaking blasphemies against My kingdom.

I am the God who shakes what those think are unshakable, and I am the God, in this hour, that is going to begin to break up, and to till, and to swell their wicked plans. A swell of their own making shall come upon them in this hour. A wave of their own making, that they’ve been making for a long time, and their cup of iniquities has become full, said the Lord thy God, and in this hour you will see Me pour them out.

I am the God of justice, and I am the God of righteousness, and I am the God that, in this hour, shall shake what people think is unshakable. I shall take down leaders that people think were safe. I shall cause leaders to tumble and fall upon their own words, and their own laws. Their own laws in this hour of their own making shall do them in, says the Lord thy God this day. Their own laws that they wove in wickedness, and in greed, and in mammon, they wove.

And I the Lord thy God am taking the sword of the Spirit, the word of God, which is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, and I am striking that web and I am striking what they wove, and you shall see, says the Lord thy God this day, you shall see the first major strike come in the month of April. You shall see another soon follow after that. 

And says the Lord thy God this day, I am raising up opposition in their own party to oppose them. In their own party, their own making, their own monster. I am raising up, says the Lord thy God in this hour, to oppose them and there shall be, says the Lord, very public squabbling, not only within parties here but around the world.

Fierce opposition, says the Lord, in Canada within their own leadership. There shall be a spill, says the Lord thy God this day, in Canada, that the world shall not soon forget. There shall be a spill, says the Lord thy God this day, in Australia the world shall not soon forget.

And says the Lord thy God this day, there shall be a fall that is coming in your nation, there shall be a judgment that has already been handed down from My throne. And you will see a tumbling, and a breaking up of what was woven behind the walls of the White House, what was woven behind the walls of Federal buildings in Washington, DC, what was woven in facilities in the Midwest, says the Lord. What was birthed there. What was woven in California.

And says the Lord thy God this day, the line and the chain that they have woven, I the Lord, by force am set to break. And those chains shall not only break, but they shall disintegrate, says the Lord thy God this day, they shall disintegrate.
And says the Lord thy God this day, you will see in this nation and around the world, unusual events that defy science, that defy nature, that defy what leaders say, and they’re even going to be described as unusual events, “These things NEVER happen,” because I, the Lord thy God, in this hour, am demonstrating My might, I am putting on a demonstration, if Pharaoh wants a demonstration, a demonstration he will receive in this hour, says the Lord thy God. If the pharaohs of this world want a demonstration, if they want to stiffen their necks and dig in their heels, then I Lord thy God shall put on a demonstration in this hour that is going to contain uncanny events. Events that will baffle science, events that will baffle the government, events that will baffle the people, events that are going to baffle the wicked, because I am frustrating their cords in this hour. I am breaking their cords, I am frustrating them, I am tying them up with it and I am removing them, says the Lord thy God this day.

So hold fast, My children. Stand in faith. Put your trust in Me, not a man. It is not a man that is going to save you, oh America, it is not! It is I, The Lord your God, who has the outstretched arm to save you. Put your trust in Me. Put your hope in Me. Praise Me and speak in faith in this hour, and I promise you, says the Lord thy God this day, you will see physical walls come crashing down as a testimony to what's been spoken today. Thus says the Lord of Hosts, in Jesus' name.

The Lord also said - watch the Great Wall of China


  1. Thank you Abba Father for your faithfulness and for hearing our prayers for your righteousness and justice to reign in our nation and in other nations also. We love Lord Jesus!

  2. Only , GOD !’ ✝️ Has the , POWER to bring this , EVIL 👹 ... DOWN !!! GOD BLESS , AMERICA 🇱🇷

  3. Every time the Lord speaks about Canada and that HE WILL DEAL with the evil leaders I tear up. So proud of my fellow Canadians!! USA just like Canada you have God on your side - you go get them!!

  4. I think the Great Wall of China is going to fall down!

  5. Hi Amanda - could you ask Barbara if she could interpret a dream of mine?

  6. Thank you so much Amanda for Blessing Us! You Are a True Saint! Thank you Jesus for sending Amanda to encourage, pray, And give Your Anointed Word to Your people. Bless Amanda Abundantly Jesus! In Jesus mighty name!!!

  7. God Bless you Amanda, I love the Lord with all my heart soul and mind. I am waiting for this to happen because it is his will. May people find him before the opportunity is too late, Thank you for this word from our Lord

  8. Amanda, this is your fellow part Italian sister. : ) I just wanted to let you know we're listening!

    I must tell you, our dog, Coffee had the exact same thing with her bladder last week! It was so frightening and our usual vet we used that day said he was not equipped to catheterize. (shocking) We had to flee back to our own little town where we are from and thank the Lord, miraculously a new vet is in town who loved our Coffee Belle and did what he needed to do, sedating her etc. They watched her overnight as well...The next day I watched her too to make sure things were working.

    I so heard your heart and am praying for Chester! I also remember your little lamb and what happened, I thought about it that day when we were so traumatized with an unequipped vet sending us off to unknown 24 hr. emergency clinics (in the middle of the day)far away.

    You are a BLESSING. I trust and pray that Chester is okay!

    Love to you, Amelia from My Forest Cathedral. blogspot.

  9. So glad to hear encouraging news about Chester the cat who had the urinary tract obstruction - we have had this experience with two male neutered cats, hope all is going well, this is a very serious situation.

  10. Thank you Lord God for gifting Amanda with your Holy Words. Amen and Amen let it be so

  11. This is our GOD we have waited forHim

  12. I am so glad to be in the family of God! Amanda, once again you've given words to encourage the saints & terrify the wicked. Great IS the word of the Lord.

  13. I read these word with Joy and anticipation. I know God has his own time line but I am praying for Holy Spirit revival across this nation. Also praying for the Supreme Court and the turning over of Roe V Wade! Stop the murder!

  14. I'm looking forward to God demonstrating His mighty power and taken out the evil ones and putting in those men & women that want to serve Him! Praise and Glory to God, the Most High!

  15. As Amanda prophesied, a leader trips over his own words to reveal the truth.

  16. I'm looking forward to God demonstrating His mighty power and taken out the evil ones and putting in those men & women that want to serve Him! Praise and Glory to God, the Most High!



Word from the Lord--May 12, 2023 from the Miami ReAwaken Tour

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