Friday, February 26, 2021

Word from the Lord on Purim--February 25th, 2021

Praise be to the Lord God, Ruach Elohim, the Spirit of the Living God! Who is Everlasting, omniscient omnipotent, the Alpha and Omega, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! And to His Kingdom, there is no End….

And the Spirit of the Lord says this day, RISE UP MY CHILDREN RISE UP For in this hour My children need to RISE UP STAND FIRM in whom they have believed For deliverance is coming, help is arising and I the Lord your God am leading you in this battle in the political arena, in the judicial 

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day so as it was in the book of Esther, so shall it be, so shall you see the same come forth before your very eyes. For there are those I have chosen in this hour in the political arena in the judicial arena in the prophetic, lawyers with a call and those over the airwaves, men and women in this hour I have chosen to rise up and speak truth and lead My people through this very narrow way a path being carved in order to snatch the country back from the grasps of the serpent, from the grasps of the dragon, from the grasps of Baal, from principalities and rulers of darkness in high places says the Lord of Hosts

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day the captain of the army of the Lord of Hosts has been dispatched along with the warring angels, to do just that, war and cut the serpent that has intertwined itself around the feet and the wings of the eagle attempted to squeeze and constrict it until there is no life left. However says the Lord I have given the command from My throne and I have dispatched the captain and the warring angels in this hour to lead you in this battle as they cut in pieces the serpent from the eagle, for I the Lord have taken mercy on the eagle for the sake of My children, a remnant crying out, repenting, seeking My face, a remnant crying out in the wilderness saying “prepare ye the way of the Lord in this hour” and a way I shall make says the Lord of Hosts. For as in the Book of Esther there was a sudden change of events as a few brave I had chosen within the Kingdom for such a time as this submitted and listened to their Father in heaven and petitioned the King, exposing the plots of the wicked Haman, of Lucifer, another attempt to destroy the Jews so the seed of My son Jesus Christ would not come forth.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day there is a plot with currency, dirty money, laundered through china and back, laundered through Iran and back, laundered through Germany and back says the Lord of Hosts, the plot shall suddenly be exposed!

I the Lord your God have a plan and a purpose in this hour and you shall see an unusual sign in spring to confirm this as I am putting hooks in their jaws and leading them out to be judged and removed says the Lord of Hosts, like roaches, unclean in the political arena, judicial arena, corporate arena, the church, roaches and rats says the Lord of Hosts and now there shall be an extermination that is beginning, pest control is beginning and shall take place in the most unusual of ways. For when I the Lord act when I the Lord demonstrate MY power it is unprecedented says the Lord of Hosts.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day a major earthquake in the part of the world where Turkey lies shall shake that area and leadership shall be exposed says the Lord of Hosts this day.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day I am turning the tables over, for there is much evidence hidden under the tables, secret compartments shall be found says the Lord and evidence shall come forth as there is rumblings within the government and disloyalty to a fallen Biden is growing says the Lord of Hosts.

And says the spirit of the Lord this day, another dark surprise shall spring forth as spring approaches and even more, shame shall cover the Biden family as they challenge I the Lord shall expose for they are contending with ME the Lord Almighty God, and now My Children I shall contend with those who contend with you, I shall fight against those who fight against you! My children Take up shield and buckler and STAND UP for your help, draw out the spear and close up the way of those who pursue and persecute you. THE LORD IS YOUR DELIVERANCE!

The word DELIVERANCE shall be echoed in this hour as a major blow to Washington DC and its internal working, and a major breach shall send them scrambling says the Lord. 

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day those who speak blasphemies against Me and against My children, who are SUPPOSED to be public servants, you wicked servants says the Lord you wicked servants! I gave time, I gave mercy in good measure however now is the hour says the Lord where you will see those “public servants” suddenly fall”. Such disgrace shall cover some they shall hide their face and the word RECALL shall be shouted in this hour by the people, the word IMPEACH shall be shouted by the people in this hour, the words MURDERER and THIEF shall be echoed in this hour says the Lord of Hosts.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the people are restless, I see the restlessness says the Lord, in this hour stand firm in your FAITH and in TRUTH cling to it as it has become a rare commodity and those filled with TRUTH shall boldly speak MY WORDS in this hour and you shall see what they speak happen in a way that even strikes fear in the hearts of the wicked, indignant, who think their god can protect them, HA says the Lord for I laugh at the wicked and I am laughing from MY throne for their hour is upon them where their demons and gods will run with fear and trembling as I the Lord and MY Spirit completely consume these circumstances.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the people are perplexed the people are perplexed as they see a show being acted out when there is a whole other ACT being perpetrated behind the curtain says the Lord and I the Lord shall grab a hold of that curtain and tear it and expose the dark side of their show business that they have scrambled in the dark to continue says the Lord of Hosts.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day this is only being allowed for a short time, for their runaway train will crash as it is just that a train reck, reckless decision, reckless, orders upon orders, what a man sows, therefore, he shall reap says the Lord and the season of reaping is here for men shall be given their wage in full for the engineered and manipulated seeds they have planted, for the documents they have forged, duplicates shall appear and it shall become clear a GIANT forgery has taken place and there shall be even more pressure upon the judges to act uprightly or step down as the Supreme court is no longer supreme says the Lord, for they have allowed darkness to rule over them and I the Lord your God shall expose this and shake the courts says the Lord, many courts shall shake and quake as their dirty dealings fall to the ground.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day I am moving MY children, I AM, I AM the WORD, in the beginning, was the word and the word was with God and the Word was God, that is your sword utilize it in this hour and drive back the enemy for the enemy is attacking the peace, and the mind, rebuke distractions in Jesus name as the enemy attempts to get you caught up in the frivolous for he is running out of options says the Lord and when I SAY ENOUGH there is nothing the enemy nor his puppets, nor his followers can do about it says the Lord of Hosts.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day They have desecrated congress, refuse a stench is covering the entire chamber, nothing more than Shakespearean performers caught up in their own delusions says the Lord, persecutions have gone forth against the few who are standing boldly for truth and they shall be vindicated as a mockery shall be made against the elephants and donkeys barking the loudest to drown out the truth, aoc, watch says the Lord of Hosts, just watch…

And says the spirit of the Lord this day, Those I have ANOINTED I the Lord am protecting and shielding in this hour, they shall not be harmed as they go forth being filled with a boldness, wisdom, council, and might that comes from MY Spirit says the Lord, and those in other countries in Europe shall be filled with the boldness to speak out, as the euro will crash says the Lord as will the Yen for I the Lord am toppling the women with the stars and I the Lord am speaking forth MY WORD IN THIS HOUR AND IT SHALL BE FOR I AM THE ALPHA AND OMEGA THE BEGINNING AND THE ENDING I AM HOLY I AM YOUR GOD.

In this hour you shall know your God MY CHILDREN you shall know I am far above every power principality and might, you shall know I provide, you shall know I AM. That deep-rooted faith shall come forth, from it wellsprings of insight that I shall give that will have such a power upon them as spoken that it will make the kingdom of darkness tremble and their cohorts quake.

For many quakes in this hour shall break forth in different forms says the Lord as I the Lord am compelled to act for the sake of Israel My firstborn, for the sake of My precious children, and says the Lord, because the enemy SHALL NOT AND WILL NOT ADVANCE BEFORE HIS ALLOWED TIME and a barrier shall be placed and time shall stop for them as they shall be sent in retreat, the whole LOT, you shall know the LOTS in this hour, they shall be revealed says the Lord.

Watch the Statue of Liberty says the Lord, just watch…

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day a mine shall be discovered in this country, I shall lead the one searching to it and it shall provide a resource to help many for I am opening up the earth and revealing the good and the wicked says the Lord for they shall attempt to hide in caves and catacombs but I the Lord shall open up the earth and they shall be yanked forth from their bunkers says the Lord of Hosts

And says the spirit of the Lord this day, the military is getting restless, many have not bowed the knee to Baal, there are MANY more than they know within the government who are not loyal to a tainted, smeared with deception, administration, and as this takes place says the Lord I am humbling the “former” president, the pride is softening and being tempered as he shall feel My Spirit and must choose to truly KNOW ME for the sake of My plans, for the sake of His wife for she is very wounded and I the Lord shall pour the oil of gladness, the balm of joy upon those wounds and turn her mourning into joy says the Lord of Hosts this day. You shall see him step out yet again for I the Lord am not done with the one called TRUMP, they have attempted to silence a trumpet however I the Lord shall blow the shofar in the heavenlies, and the muzzles shall fall off of those afraid to speak and they shall speak with a loud voice as the resistance is being mounted I the Lord am calling your nation to humble themselves before ME for I the Lord will put on a demonstration for MY people in ways unseen for if pharaoh so chooses to contend, if Haman so chooses to contend so I the Lord shall answer and cause a shaking and a loss of power in multiple ways they the wicked the corrupt the darkest of men shall not be able to resist, as their resistance is being toppled and I the Lord shall and will have the victory for My Kingdom, For My Glory, For My Children, for there are still souls that need to be saved, thus sayeth the Lord of Hosts the everlasting King of Kings in the name of Jesus amen and amen.

Manna and relief coming to My children. Their bondage, their chain, the heaviness shall and will be broken and freedom, let freedom RING. A newfound freedom for MY children as the battle for this nation wages. They shall be set free and greater anointing and power they shall receive

Watch Philadelphia!

My children will move about more freely under My protection to do My will. They shall have favor with leaders, in business, in finances, in personal situations, they shall receive favor that will baffle those around them for they shall easily walk through doors that have remained locked for others.

A double portion for the people of Texas and Oklahoma for what they lost. The Lord shall restore greater than before out of the devastation, new growth and a bumper crop says the Lord.

The deep state does NOT protect My children. I the Lord your God protect. There are those who have gone to DEEP into the deep state and stepped out of the confines of their call and have made a brambled mess of confusion and agitation. They shall be dealt with says the Lord. The Rod of correction has gone out against the rageful shepherds and the snake oil salesman. Sneaking slithering in selling their delicate dainties, capitalizing on deceit and the political atmosphere. The ‘I told you so” preachers come lately will be left speechless as they have missed a crucial point and have moved people into doubt and anger as they peddle their self-worshipping books and antidotes says the Lord.

I am God I will NOT be mocked, and those who have dared shall now be ensnared with the word fool written across their heads. I AM making a mockery of their delicacies, humiliation shall be their portion as they have bowed to a constricting, greedy, deceptive spirit that dwells in the political arena. And that spirit is being sent in retreat as they shall fumble their words and expose the deeds done in the back office of chambers and airstrips. The deals, the fine print shall now be exposed as I the Lord know the hiding places of their sin and it shall now find them out in the most unexpected and unusual of ways. They will fumble says the Lord, I will act.

Commissioner of the NFL….


  1. Amen! Can you post the prayer of salvation that Amanda delivered? I want to use this prophecy ( and others) to prick the hearts of some unbelieving friends. God will prove himself to them!!!

  2. Question...where the Spirit says, “...the captain of the army of the Lord of Hosts has been dispatched along with the warning angels to do just that war and cut the serpent that has intertwined itself around the feet and the wings of the eagle attempted to squeeze and construct it until there is no life left”... is that speaking of the life of the eagle, or the life of the serpent? Seems like it could go either way depending on God’s plan. Was it revealed to you which He was referring to? It’s difficult to discern given the way it is written...

    1. I took it to the the serpents life will be taken.

    2. I took it to mean the serpent that has come to kill the eagle will be cut off and the eagle delivered from its hold. The serpent tried to kill the eagle with its constricting hold but God will not allow it

    3. I took it to mean the serpent that has come to kill the eagle will be cut off and the eagle delivered from its hold. The serpent tried to kill the eagle with its constricting hold but God will not allow it

    4. Yes "attempt" is the key word. The serpent has attempted to squeeze the life from the eagle - but God won't allow that.

    5. It's warring not warning angels. The serpent will be cut to pieces as he is trying to squeeze the life out of the eagle

    6. Hi... I'm not sure how to do this exactly... But, we all know that the Word Philew (the first part of Philadelphia) means Love... A special kind of covenant love. Looked up the meaning of Delphia... It means "a woman's womb" So "Watch Philadelphia" may have a double meaning... Loving the Woman's Womb may refer to coming against abortion...

  3. What does the "aoc" mean
    as a mockery shall be made against the elephants and donkeys barking the loudest to drown out the truth, aoc, watch says the Lord of Hosts, just watch…

    1. (AOC) Alexandria Ocasio Cortez..very controversial congress woman from the Democratic Party ..

  4. This was such a powerful Word from the Lord. My husband and I felt it’s truth and power. Will the “addendum” to this, that was read last nite, also be posted?

  5. All I can say Amanda, is GO GET THEM LORD!!!!!!! Very powerful word from God.

  6. Why signed as
    Commissioner of the NFL?

    1. its not a signature. Part of prophesy

    2. If you saw the NFL Superbowl Half time show, it was a full on Satanic Ritual used to activated those minions that are programmed by MindControl.
      Gina Phillips did a couple of informative decodes on the
      Faith Unveiled Network channel on ytb with Paul Oebel around 14 Feb. There's a part one and part two. The NFL are part of the deepState.
      Gina is worth checking out as she has learned much about those under MindControl, their comms, and some of their programs. She has her own website and ytb channel as well.
      blm/antifa are mindControl programs too.

  7. Does God ever directly reference antifa or black lives matter?

    1. I believe it is Israel as it is written in the Book of Revelation.

  8. What or who is the”Women with the stars”?

    1. The European Union (flag has 12 stars; Greek Euro is a woman with 12 stars).

    2. Thank-you. I wondered what the women with the stars meant.

  9. Is the Lord is talking about Melania as his wife or another object or thing? The Lord in his parables!!

  10. Have been praying for Melania as well as President Trump . Praying for God's mercy and grace to comfort and surround her during this time.

  11. Melania is deeply wounded by the revelations of corruption and infiltration of Satan's wolves in the Lord's Bride, the Church.
    Though the dogma/doctrine is unchanged, her devotion has left a deep wound and sadness by these revelations (being privy to the President's inner circle - who know more than we can imagine). In this context the Lord is also addressing Mr. Trump's great fight BUT is giving him a chance to transcend to a high level of holiness in His kingdom. My take, your mileage may vary... God Bless all.

  12. Thank you for your commitment and service to the LORD. I appreciate all you are doing to bless us, HIS people. We are so blessed to have HIS instructions and encouragement. Being a prophet myself, I respect that you are doing a great job! Be blessed for you are highly favored!

  13. I have been praying for her a lot. Can you imagine how isolated she must feel? Can she have any friends? Who can she trust? It must be very difficult and scary.

  14. Love your ministry!!! Can I make a suggestion? Please put the date on your video so that we know when it was originally made! People are copying your videos and publishing them as though they were just made. Maybe the date in the bottom right corner? Or tell us "today's date is..."

  15. WOW!!! Great word Amanda! Good job. So glad you speak boldly. Never give up your strong delivery. Blessings to you and your husband and all you animals. They are loved as you are. Sincerely, Gary Naples, FL.

  16. 6.0 earthquake today in Greece (the part of the world where Turkey lies)... basides that, a 4.0 in Croatia (also near by), where it's shaking since last March

  17. My dear Amanda, I have been listening to you for about 6 months now and I am so glad to have found you! You are truly blessed to be a "mouth piece" for the Lord! I have heard your story and very much like other prophets, HE had to try you with your illness and your animals before HE could entrust you with HIS words. Thank you for your TOTAL surrender to the Lord...we are the beneficiaries of your previous and current struggles. Thank you, thank and I thank God Almighty for HIS choice in you!!

  18. I am trying to find where AG stated something about company Medtronic. Could someone show me when word was given about that? Thank you.

  19. Have been at Blogspot for a number of years, and moved to wordpress, when google started narrowing personal freedoms. Last week I ran into Elijah's interview with you. So you are a blogger!!
    For the first time I am envious I am not a prophet, hearing with which detail you hear God.I should not be, because God has something for me too. Whenever convenient look at (one word) artnotes 2016 (dot)wordpress (dot) com.My weekly blog is (one word) the jesh studio (dot) wordpress (dot) com Super happy to get to know about the Supreme Court (I suspected "something" was going on! and am sad we cannot even trust them!)A thousand blessings on you and your hubby. Jesh (my writer's name)


Word from the Lord--May 12, 2023 from the Miami ReAwaken Tour

And the Lord thy God says this day, "Is My arm too short that it cannot save? Is My power too little that it cannot overcome? For you a...