Friday, August 6, 2021

A Word from the Lord on the August 2nd, 2021 Broadcast (A Prophetic Dream & Word: Releasing An Attack Through Buildings Ducts!)

The Spirit of the Lord says this day.

The pressure is building my children. The pressure is building says the Lord. However, pressure can be utilized says the Spirit of the Lord this day for the good, or for the evil says the Lord. For pressure says the LORD, when applied properly, can create a diamond, can create something that reflects light, can create something that is multifaceted. Or says the Spirit of the Lord this day pressure can be applied, and those can be crushed under the weight of it. It can break them, it can break their plans. It can completely derail their lives. Pressure says the LORD thy God this day is a two-way street.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day and this hour you shall see that two-way street. You shall see pressure operating in both ways. You shall see pressure to reflect the incredible light of God in this hour, to reflect the light of God says the Lord in the darkness in a way that it never has, to reflect a very potent light and power that comes from me says the Spirit of the Lord this day. Or you will see says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the pressure crush those that were not prepared, says the Lord, that we're not seeking me, that were corrupted, that we're chasing things of the world they had no business chasing to begin with, that they fooled themselves with delusions of grandeur into believing I told them to go in that path. And says the Spirit of the Lord this day I am bringing correction in this hour to those people, I am bringing correction in this hour, and I am making it clear says the Spirit of the Lord this day, what is my voice, and what is a counterfeit, says the Lord, what is my voice says the Spirit of the Lord this day and what is the flesh.

For this hour says the Spirit of the Lord this day I will be the dividing line. I will be the two-edged sword that penetrates to that dividing line, that draws that dividing line, that separates wheat from tear, truth from lie, that separates truth and deception, that separates light and darkness says the Spirit of the Lord this day. I shall be that two-edged sword because I am the word. In the beginning, was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and it is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword penetrating to the dividing line of soul and spirit of joint and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

And in this hour says the Spirit of the Lord this day. I am increasing the accuracy and the potency of discernment in my people. I am sharpening it says the Spirit of the Lord this day. Iron sharpens iron. And I says the spirit of Lord this day shall be that iron, shall be that power that sharpens my people in the midst of events that are about to occur that may not look like it makes sense, that may look like it's a setback says the Spirit of the Lord this day. But it is not a setback, says the Lord it is a setup. And when I do something says the Spirit of the Lord this day, when I give the strategy says the Spirit of the Lord this day it is unprecedented. It is powerful. It is brilliant, says the Spirit of the Lord this day.

And I say the Spirit of the Lord this day am activating and putting in place a setup says the Spirit of the Lord this day. I have set a trap says the Spirit of the Lord this day and those in their wickedness and their delusions of grandeur that are overly eager for more power, that are overly eager to advance their territory, that are showing false humility says the Spirit of the Lord this day, that are saying all the right things but in their soul, it is a jumbled, mangled mess of thorns and briars and darkness and confusion. I am exposing it says the Spirit of the Lord this day. I am going forth, says the Lord into all areas of leadership, and I am exposing it says the Lord.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day. The Rose Bowl. Watch for around that time as well says the Spirit of the Lord this day for massive events to take place. And says the Spirit of the Lord this day. They will attempt their breakouts, and they will attempt to send their destroyers, just as Egypt attempted to send their destroyers. However, I the Lord sent out a destroyer that was way more powerful than their gods, and their people and their Pharaoh who they worshipped as a God, which was merely a man. And I am exposing how truly weak these leaders are, who has been built up into an image of golden Nebuchadnezzar's, and of golden idols and of Golden Sun gods and of golden calves. I am exposing it says the Spirit of the Lord this day, I am exposing just how weak they are and how the images are greater than the men and the women. The image, the hologram says the spirit of Lord this day that's been projected all the way overseas to the idolatrous Red Dragon. Their holograms they have perfected and they have put out and they have attempted to set up on their thrones, I am short-circuiting their technology says the Lord. I am introducing bugs that they have never seen before says the Spirit of the Lord this day. And I will allow events of biblical proportion, events having to do with weather pattern and plates and animals to come forward says the Spirit of the Lord this day to prove the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. The earth is not man's in the fullness thereof. The earth is the Lord thy God's. The earth is not the fallen host that serpent of old the devil. It is not his says the Spirit of the Lord this day. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. And I the LORD on my throne shall exalt and be exalted above these fallen principalities and hosts, and above these leaders who think they have such power. It is dust. It is vanity says the Spirit of the Lord this day. For the sins of Ahab, and the sins of Zedekiah and the sins of Solomon shall plague these leaders once again as things come full circle. The kingdom shall be torn away from Saul. For my spirit has departed says the Spirit of the Lord this day, my spirit has departed from them. The kingdom shall be torn away from the Sauls and this hour and given to others who I have found more worthy, who have hearts after me, who have come from meager beginnings says the spirit of Lord this day and been raised up for such a time, who have the fierceness of David, who have the fierceness of Joshua, who have the faith of Elijah.

Oh yes, I am revealing the secrets of the king in his bedroom says the Spirit of the Lord this day. I am revealing the secrets of leadership in countries. You don't hear much about but you will says the Spirit of the Lord this day. You will, says the Spirit of the Lord this day hear about leadership attempting to arise in countries that may seem insignificant but are becoming players right now, on a world, stage says the Spirit of the Lord this day, as what I have deemed on my timetable says the Lord, not man's plays out before your very eyes. Do not grow weary. Do not lose faith. For I the LORD your God, Yahweh I am in control. I have written the time. I have set it in stone. I have prepared my army for the hour.

And you shall see events unfold in this hour that are going to be shocking, that may not make sense, that may look like you've moved backwards, that may look that look like you've gone back says the Spirit of the Lord this day decades. However, says the Lord it is a setup. It is in my perfect timing. And I the Lord, the way I did, and the way I instructed Joshua at Ai have set an ambush, to demonstrate my power and my glory to a world that worships technology, to a world that worships idols, to a world that worships celebrities, to a world that worships athletes. I shall shake them in this hour says the Spirit of the Lord this day, and the King James and the Caesars of the NFL, and the Oscars of Hollywood shall be dethroned, says the Spirit of the Lord this day. Shall be dethroned in this hour for I have searched hearts and found those more worthy to take their place that shall bring glory to my name. For I am tearing those kingdoms away and those influences away and those positions away and giving them to those more worthy who in this hour will speak with a boldness and conviction of Almighty God that this world has not yet seen and in a fierceness and in a power that is going to perplex people in this hour, quaking at the fact that events have happened, that defy human logic, that defy the medical, that defy the fragility of human life. Prepare yourselves, my children. I love you with an everlasting love. I will never leave you nor forsake you. I do these things not to make you fearful, but to prepare you, equip you, and ready you because I want you victorious. And I want you ready. And I want you filled with wisdom. For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Walk-in that wisdom now my children. Ready yourselves. Go deeper with me. Go deeper into my word. Allow me to correct in this hour. Allow me to reset in this hour. And I shall and will have my way on this earth. Thus says the Lord of hosts in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.  Amen and Amen.


  1. Thank you Lord God for your steadfast love and Enduring Grace. Thank you for Amanda to present and act as a willing and faithful human vessel of thy Word to the people who love you and strive and to keep your commandments. We are blessed beyond all measure to serve and enjoy life through Jesus who gave His life for all who seek Him. Amen.

  2. Thank you for your faithfulness to our GOD and FATHER! This is a much needed Word, to be spiritually and mentally prepared for GOD'S move that is coming. I've been trying to gather in emergency supplies in-between praying and fasting.I actually slept 11 hours last night for the first time in months. I really rested. The spiritual realm feels really different today! I don't know what is happening, but it's changing! In and out, in and out, like it's quietly rolling but powerful but secretly, quietly.... Have you heard about anything?


    Could it be this or could it be Bill Gates wants to kill off all meat and us also?!

    1. I checked that out, and that was in 2018 when they ordered it. From Brazil.... but it is still an alarming knowledge

  4. All praise to God and to His About Jesus!
    Interesting - the name of the New Orleans Saints football stadium has just been changed to Caesars Stadium

  5. Word about attack through building ducts??? God’s blessings and favor over you and Chris and all your babies Amanda!

  6. I heard this morning that the Federal Government is checking out schools air duct systems to be sure they are operating properly. Hmmmmmm....

  7. Hi Amanda God bless you and Chris. I just seen this this today and so I wanted to share with you so we can be in prayer

    EPHRATA, Pa. —

    The Pennsylvania Department of Education is requiring each school district to establish a health and safety plan.

    Those plans are posted online, but what's it like inside school buildings?

    Improved ventilation is part of the requirements.

    At Ephrata Area School District in Lancaster County, a new system was already in the works.

    "The result of that will allow us to have more fresh air being circulated in a more modern system where we can monitor humidity and environment," Superintendent Brian Troop said.

    Cleaning and sanitization are also priorities.

    Ephrata students will see hand sanitizer readily available, reminders to wash their hands and water bottle filling stations instead of fountains.

    While students will be three feet apart in classrooms, the district will use technology to help them contact trace in the library, cafeteria and other common spaces.

    "We have bar codes on each one of those seats, so a student just uses their cellphone, scans that bar code and it registers them using that seat for that period of time," Troop said.

    The pandemic pushed most Susquehanna Valley districts to issue laptops and iPads to all students.

    Technology is also a huge part of back to school.

    "We collect them, get processed through this whole summer and then they get redistributed," Troop said.

    Districts are also making plans to accommodate for change.

    Cameras are still in many classrooms, just in case students need to learn from home.

    Ephrata leaders are hoping for the best and planning for whatever may come their way.

    "We're one phone call, one day, one situation away from having to adjust and pivot to provide a different level of support for our environment, for our kids, for our community," Troop said.

    1. Miami Dade County Public School mentioned air conditioning and air quality in its reopening plans. They will turn AC on 2 hours before school and run 2 hours after school.

  8. This is where I should have posted. This morning, it hit me: "You shall see events that will unfold in this hour that are going to be shocking, that may not make sense, that may look like you've moved backwards, that may look like you've gone back says the Spirit of the Lord this day decades.

    We've just seen this in Afghanistan, which looks like a worse copy of the fall of Saigon in 1975. Perhaps this is the setup that is also being referred to in this word.

  9. I think the whole thing was planned. They are trying to ruin our country and they don't care one bit about lives lost!

  10. I tried searching here and on the previous page for "lab" but the only match was LABel... pretty sure that there was a prophecy about "secret labs hidden within regular labs." Anyway, Epoch Times TV exposed one today.

  11. "King James and the Caesars of the NFL" King James is the Twitter name for Lebron James, the Caesars of the NFL could be referring to either the NFL owners or the partnership between the NFL and Caesars Entertainment. Most likely it is referring to the Anti-American culture that is uprising and being promoted in professional sports.

  12. Part of the Dead Sea is blood red. This is near the border of Jordan. Moab, Sodom and gommorah sites. Refer to "Dead Sea Turns Blood Red Before Holy Day of Yom Kippur. Israel MyChannel (on YouTube)
    Hedy Sept. 19, 2021

  13. 2 Peter 2
    But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.


Word from the Lord--May 12, 2023 from the Miami ReAwaken Tour

And the Lord thy God says this day, "Is My arm too short that it cannot save? Is My power too little that it cannot overcome? For you a...